twenty six

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Aliza's PoV

"Thank you for today. You'll be hearing from us soon."

I smiled before exiting the room and finally taking a big breath. I exhaled and squealed because I knew I aced that interview. I quickly recomposed myself and walked out, double checking no one was around to see me basically fangirling a second ago.

I made my way back to my apartment and ordered some food. It's been just under a week that I've been staying here again. After my fight with Tony, I didn't want to be in the same room with him let alone the same building so I knew I had to go. As much as I hated being away from Steve, he couldn't be around here either.

I hadn't spoken to Steve much over the course of the week either. It's not that I didn't want to, it's that I couldn't. The next morning after I stormed out, he texted me to let me know that he was going on a mission and that he would let me know when he was back. I hadn't received any texts so I'm guessing he's still gone.

A knock came on my door and I grabbed my purse to pay the pizza delivery guy. I was looking down as I opened the door and as I was rummaging, trying to find the right amount of change, I heard a voice I thought I'd never hear again.

"How many times have I told you, never open the door with your purse in your hand. You've always liked going against what's best for you, didn't you?"

I froze and couldn't find it in me to look up. I stepped back and tried to close my door, but he was too strong and let himself in anyway.

"This place is nice. A little bit too tumblr, but nice."

I dropped my purse on the sofa and tightly gripped my phone.

"What are you doing here Adam?" I tried to sound as strong as possible.

"What, can't a brother come say hello to his sister without it being a thing?"

I crossed my arms and mustered the coldest tone I could. "Well, when your brother is a lying piece of shit who's not actually your brother, then yeah, it's a thing."

He stopped wandering around my apartment and turned on his heel to face me.

"You know." He stated more than questioned.

"I know." I affirmed.

His body relaxed and I saw him sigh in relief. "Well, it's about fucking time."

My face contorted in confusion. "Don't give me that look. Do you know how long I've been waiting for you to find out? Do you know how hard it's been having to pretend to be supportive of you all these years when all I really wanted to do was hand you in the second they approached me?"

Millions of thoughts ran through my head but I could only utter out one word.


He made himself at home on my sofa. "God, for someone who's really clever, you're a bit slow aren't you? Come, sit. I'll tell you a fun story just like when we were younger." He patted the spot next to him but I stayed near my door with my arms crossed.

"Sit." He spat in a threatening tone. I slowly made my way over and lowered myself on to the sofa but I put as much distance between us as possible.

"So, how did you find out?" He asked. I eyed him suspiciously but eventually decided to answer him.

"There was this guy. Machine is probably a better word. He told me he found my name on the database of the place I was...kept. He told me, before my friend killed him."


I was a little bit taken aback. "Yeah. How did you know?"

"We worked with him a little bit. But what I want to know is, how did you survive the bullet?"

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