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Aliza's PoV

I stepped out of the airport feeling groggy and drained from all the crying I did on the plane. And it was an ugly cry too. The person sitting next to me was not very happy. I looked around at the busy airport and an ache settled in my heart. In one area a family was reuniting, in another a family was setting off to have an adventure together. Yet here I was alone and with nothing but emptiness inside of me. An emptiness I thought I had gotten rid of but truly, I never escaped it. My eyes wandered around the place as I felt an odd sense of nostalgia but not one I was overly fond of. I looked to my right and saw the exact seat I was sitting in when I was on my way to leaving this hellhole.

"You've got your ticket?"


"Your passport?"


"And you got rid of your SIM card and bought your new phone?"

"Yes And Yes."

My brother sighed and looked around the seating area. I had just checked in all my luggage and was now waiting to depart so I could go through security. He was the only one who knew I was doing this and even helped set me up with an apartment and get rid of anything that could trace me to New York.

"I'll miss you. I can't thank you enough for what you're doing for me now."

"We both know they're wrong. I can't let them go through with this and if this is the only way, so be it." I separated from him, tears welling in my own eyes.

"Can I call you when I get there?"

"Listen, maybe it's best we don't contact each other." I frowned and a tear slid down my face. "We can't risk them finding you." I nodded and wiped it away before clearing my throat and grabbing my carry on luggage.

"I guess this is goodbye."

"Take care." He put his sunglasses on and walked out the airport without a second look back. I sighed and wandered into the security, still not believing I was going through with this.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when my Uber driver honked at me. I apologised as he helped me with my one suitcase, and sat down in the back, biting my nails.

"Don't bite your nails. You don't know what dirt is living under your fingernails."

"Are you saying I'm dirty?!"

"No, I'm saying that it's better to be safe than sorry. Now, go wash your hands and dinner will be ready in 5 minutes."

"Okay. Mom."

"Did you just call me Mom?"

"Well, if the apron fits." He looked down and blushed furiously. It looked like he just remembered that he was wearing the pink polka dot apron I forced him to put on. The blush left his cheeks and he held his head up high with a smirk on his face.

"Well, it looks better on me anyway."
My mouth dropped and I continued walking to the bathroom.

"Damn, he's got the sass and the ass."

"I heard that!"

I shook my head at the fact I was thinking about Steve. I did spend the majority of my flight with him on my mind but I needed to stop now. He's 3000 miles away and that's exactly where he needs to stay.

25 minutes later, the driver parked outside my childhood home. I exited the car and halted, my feet not wanting to moving further. It looked exactly the same.

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