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Aliza's PoV

Once I had said my goodbyes to all of them, I retreated to the living room where I planted myself on the sofa that felt like I was sitting on a marshmallow and in front of a tv that was almost the size of the wall. I was waiting for the agent to arrive so I could at least have some company. This place seemed really eerie with me being the only one in here. Even Jarvis was gone.

2 bowls of popcorn and an episode of Friends later, I checked my watch. Whoever it was should have been here half an hour ago. I lifted myself off and was about to go lock myself in my bedroom when a figure entered the room. They were in a black uniform which had the words S.T.R.I.K.E  embedded in to it.

"Good evening. My name is Blake. I was assigned to watch over you until the rest of the team arrive back shortly." The guy looked a bit sketchy so I nodded warily before grabbing my phone and making my way towards the door. Steve told me it would be a girl staying with me. Maybe there was a change in staff? Feeling uncomfortable, I decided I would spend the rest of the night residing in my room.

"Excuse me ma'am. I have been informed to ask where you are going?" I squinted my eyes at him as I caught a look at a tattoo he had on his bicep. It was mostly covered but I could see that it was red. He had his hand on what looked like a taser rod.

"I'm going to the bathroom. Have you been informed to watch me pee aswell?" He gritted his teeth but curtly nodded. I shot him a look of suspicion but carried on walking out the room. Once I was in my bedroom, I whipped my phone out but saw that the service was gone. And the WiFi was down.

"What the hell?"

Steve's PoV

The lead was a bust. It seemed like they sent us on a wild goose chase and I couldn't imagine why. We reached the warehouse where he supposedly was located, but were ambushed by some goons.

"I think he's just trying to get into our heads. Stress us out because we'll be easier to break. But we gotta pull together. He wants world domination and he's gonna need an audience for that." I tried my best to keep our hopes up but it looked like everyone was already tired of it all.

We all made our way off the quinjet and the first stop I made was the living room, which I found to be empty. There was a bowl of popcorn and blanket hung over the sofa so I assumed Aliza was in here. But where was she now? I dragged myself to her bedroom but when I knocked there was no answer. My palms became sweaty and I slowly turned the door knob.

I blinked a few times. The room was a mess. There were pieces of wood everywhere and the mirror that previously stood on the dresser was smashed on the floor. The bed was dishevelled and there were small blood splatters on the carpet underneath my feet. Her phone was smashed as if somebody had stepped on it.

I slowly backed out the room and ran back to the living room, where the rest of the Avengers were still sitting discussing our failed mission.

"It was a trap! Ultron wanted to keep us busy, out of the way. Aliza's gone!"

They all turned their heads and looked at me in alarm.

Tony stepped forward with a hard look in his eyes and his arms crossed over his chest. "What?"

"Her room is completely destroyed. There's blood on the floor. Is there anyway you can pull up the security footage?" I pleaded. He whipped his phone out and began tapping away before finally uncovering his screen. We all gathered around to see the video play out.

It showed Aliza pace into her bedroom, locking it behind her before taking out her phone. A look of confusion passed over her face but it was soon replaced with shock as her bedroom door flung open. A figure stepped out but it was dark and we couldn't see his face. Aliza stepped back grabbing something from the desk behind her. The man advanced forward but Aliza dodged him and struck him in the arm. I guess that explains the blood splatters. She punched him in the face before advancing to kick him in the gut. He backed up into the mirror causing it to shatter. He grabbed a hold of her neck but she uncovered another object from her pocket. She stabbed him in the other arm and he loosened his grip on her as he doubled over in pain. She took this opportunity to knee him in the nose and use the stool to break over his head. The man fell on the floor, clutching his head. Aliza then collapsed herself. She was on the floor, gasping for breath. My heart clenched as I realised she would have needed her inhaler. She was almost to her phone which had fallen near the door. Just as she was about to reach it, the figure got up and stepped on her hand. Her face twisted in pain and the other leg stomped on her phone, cracking the screen. He then flipped her over and injected her. She fell limp and another man came into the room. They both carried her out. Tony paused the footage and an ominous silence fell over us.

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