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I choked and spluttered on my tea when Lao entered the kitchen of the Pavilion.

"What is that?" I asked in aghast tone to my friend.

"What?" Lao frowned at my expression curiously. He is already in a blue grey formal business suit. Lao is always looking formal everytime he and Qing are going out to do whatever it is they do.

But no matter how neat, put together and good looking Lao is this morning, that is not the most noticeable thing on him.

"That!" I pointed something at the side of his neck. "Is that what I think it is?"

"What?" Lao put a hand on the part where I am pointing.

"It's a hickey! You got a hickey!" I exclaimed in horror. Eyes rounding. Lao's eyes widened with mine.

"Why are you being so loud in the morning?" A new voice entered the kitchen. I jolted and glare at my bodyguard who nonchalantly went to the counter, smiling at Lao and getting his own cup from the cup tray.

Chong, strutting smugly and looking all too relaxed.

"You!" I turned my accusing finger on Chong. "What have you done?"

"What?" Chong glared back at me. "What is wrong with you now?"

"Look at Lao! Look at him!" I turned my finger again on my friend. "You barbarian! How could you?!"

Chong rolled his eyes exasperatedly and turn to Lao. "What is wrong with him? I really cannot understand him sometimes..." he tsked. He had the nerve to tsked at me.

Lao flushed a little, "Dayu noticed the bite you gave to me last night." He said to Chong, a little shyly.

I clutched a hand on my chest. Right to my heart. Lao is blushing. "What is happening?" I asked the two of them.

Chong ignored me and my question. Instead he surveyed Lao's neck lazily, "Ah. That bite. I'm sorry..." he apologized without sounding sorry at all. In truth, Chong looked too pleased. The jerk!

"That is fine," Lao said while looking at Chong, still a bit shyly. "Just don't do it again..."

Okay. I can't take it anymore.

"Stop! Everyone stop!" I exclaimed loudly again. Lao winced at me while Chong gave me a bored look. "What is going on with the two of you? Why is Lao so mellow? Why does he has a hickey? What? Why?" I asked those question frantically.

Chong sighed, and uttered questions of his own, "Where is the Prince and when can he give you your daily shot of sedative to calm down?"

"I will kill you and bathe in your blood," I growled at my bodyguard. Chong just chuckled, not taking me seriously. "Do you want me to explain how Lao got a hickey?" He asked me with suspicious gleam in his eyes.

"No!" I glared at him. "What I want to know is why Lao is okay with all of these?" I look at my friend.

Lao winced at me again, "Dayu ah, stop. It's not like you are not familiar with hickeys. You sport them yourself."

Yeah. Because Qing is the bastard who cannot help but bite while fucking me. Sometimes biting me several times. Granted, there are instances...lots of them, that I begged Qing to bite me but those moments came because Qing is hitting my happy button while sexing me so well.

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