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  It's Friday! Not that it means anything, but it's the day I'll go to a club for the first time. But I have to find a way to get there latter and not disappoint Momo. Telling the truth is always the best option, but how do you even tell someone you are gonna be late for the very first thing they invite you to because you can't reschedule your therapy?

"Hey, you still up for today, right?"

Oh, so no escaping now, huh?!

"Ms. Hirai, of course I am. I've been excited for this since you invited me."

"Can you please drop the formalities? We are supposed to be friends."

"Sorry, but yes, I'm ready for today. But I'll have to come a little later."

"No problem, but could I ask why?"

"Well... I have to attend my therapy session, so I will meet you there after."

She looks slightly taken aback by this. But my therapist is always telling me I shouldn't be ashamed about it. So I decided to tell anyone that asks me about it, as far as I feel comfortable with.

"O-oh, yeah, sure. But can I ask why you are in therapy?"

"After some things happened I almost turned into a danger for myself."

"Just another reason to go out and have fun. Just come with me and you'll do great."

She laughs it off,and I'm grateful for that, if she wanted to talk more about it, I would begin rethinking things. And me and thinking are never a good match.

"Okay, I have a meeting in twenty minutes, but talk to you later?"

"You better. Oh, do you want to grab lunch?"

"Sure, I'll text you when the meeting is finished. Here."

I hand her my phone and she saves her number, then she calls herself to save mine, handing it back as we bid our goodbyes.


Finally it is time for some fun. And having told my therapist that I would be going clubbing sure gave us a lot to talk about. Now it's later than I thought it would be, but I messaged Momo about it and she seemed to understand.

I just hope I won't let her and her friends down. I mean, I don't believe I'm that interesting, nor party material. But I just have to stop these doubts and make the best out of it, I suppose.

Take a deep breath, kiddo, its time. With that, I approach Momo, who is on a table with three other girls talking and drinking the night away. I put on the best smile I can manage and greet them.

"Momo? Thanks for waiting."

"Oh, she's here! Girls, this is the one I talked about. Meet Jihyo."

I bow and all of them give me very warm smiles.

"Jihyo, these are Seulgi, her wife, Irene, and the love of my life, Mina."

"Now, tell what you desire. This round is on me."

Irene says, as she gets up and heads to the bar. I just tell her my order and sit down with the others.

"Ms. Hirai, you never told me this was a double date. Now what do I do?"

"What you do is relax, this is not a double date. We just happened to end up like this."

"Let's say that is really it. I really should just let loose."

"On that, we definitely agree." Seulgi says with a sinister grin on her face.

Some rounds go by, some drinks go down, some senses goes away and, at some point, I have to go home. And you can imagine my surprise when I wake up in someone else's house, in a ridiculously comfortable couch, wearing pyjamas that are most certainly not mine.

"Had a nice sleep?" A voice surprises me.

"Oh, Ms. Myoui, good morning."

"One, stop this formal nonsense. Two, it too early to be awake."

"Huh? What time is it? Why are you not sleeping, then?"

"I got thirsty. And it's still four a.m., get back to sleep."

Her commanding voice is just so adorable, that I chuckle and get back on the couch, letting myself drift away. At that moment, everything seems to be fine.

I wake up,next morning, to a ruckus somewhere near, and the smell of soup being cooked.

" Why didn't you tell us she was this pretty?"

"What are you even talking about? You all saw her yesterday."

"I was slightly intoxicated and cannot respond for my acts."

"Bae Irene, don't you give me that. You are taking responsibility for last night and that's final."

"C'mon, my oh so wonderful wifey."

"Oh, can you two keep it down? You're going to wake her up."

At that, I can't help but let out a chuckle. Well, I HAVE been holding it in so far.

"Great, she's awake. You idiots happy now?"

I open my eyes to see Mina sitting in front of me, with Seulgi and Irene bickering right behind her.

"Not one of you were quiet, you know?"

"Excuse you? We were very much discreet." Irene protests.

I just shake my head and go check the damage. By not remembering how I even got here, I take it that I went too far yesterday.

An, boy, was it a disaster. So I decided that a shower would be the best to solve this crisis. But I have to find out whose house this is first.

*ahem* "Guys, where am I?"

"Oh, right. It's your first time here. Welcome to my humble abode." Momo says from the kitchen door.

"Also known as the place these idiots crash at more than they should." Mina chimes in.

"We do no such thing. We hang here just the right amount, if I have to say." Irene says with the most serious face possible.

Momo just laughs and tells us breakfast is ready. While we eat, we talk and I get to know these girls better. A bar, with alcohol and a lightweight like me are not so good for socializing.

I learn these are all good kids, even though only Mina is younger than me. And, after a shower and some borrowed clothes, I head off to my own place so I can get some much needed rest and, perhaps, some exercise to do away with this hangover.  

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