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Okay, so you know when people come back from their honeymoon and their close friends want to know everything about it? Like every detail? No? It's my boundaries ignoring friends? Okay. So, Mina and Momo were the ones to pick us up at the airport, and we've been sitting here almost an hour (Mina hasn't been allowing Momo to stand for over five minutes, as I've just learned) and the questioning doesn't seem to be anywhere close to being done.

"Are you two about to bring me to my daughter right now, or am I going to have to take a taxi?" Uhh, angry Sana, this should get us moving.

"I- We- Yes, we are going now." Mina just agrees with a sigh, seems like she felt the danger.

Getting the car was another bother, like I said, Mina is a bit of a psycho right now, so she just went out ahead and ran to get it. Sana went after her to make sure she wouldn't hit anyone. While Momo and I are left to wait with the bags.

"So you are not telling at all?"

"Mo, we love you two, but our honeymoon will forever remain a secret."

"What did you screw up this time?"

"And why do you think I might have done anything wrong?"

"Because it's you?"

"Who bet on what?"

"I don't kn- Oh, look, they are here!"

So there IS a bet, I have to check with Sana if she got to get in on it. Speaking of the devil, looks like she had a little 'talk' with Mina, who looks slightly frightened right now. Also, she is flinching whenever Sana moves, so there's that as well. Not that I'm finding it amusing at all, I shouldn't be enjoying my friend's distress....

Getting home was another wave of questioning, I managed to let Sana know there is a bet going on, and she isn't in it either, so no information is getting out. Love these lunatics, but they can choke, I'm not disclosing my honeymoon for one of them to make money. That, and I don't really want anyone to know of my mishaps, Sana said it was fine, but I still feel down about it.

At least Yeonnie was with us, so the juicy questions were left out, Wendy has messaged Momo, at some point, and a get together was arranged for friday, great, another wave of curious gossipers, can't wait. In the meantime, let me just enjoy coming back home to my daughter, who I may or may not make sick from so much candy and snacks I bought for her. Not that I intend to tell Sana more than half of the junk food I got was for her, but it was. Don't tell.

The night went off with little to no trouble, Sana and I managed to dodge everyone saying we were tired from the flight and wanted to sleep with Nayeon, as we missed her so much. It worked well enough, and the next few days were uneventful as they could. Once friday rolled out, I had managed to get Nayeon stomach upset two times before Sana put both of us sitting in a corner and thinking about what we've done. Yes, I'm very serious about that, she took our game and told us to sit quietly for an entire afternoon and think about why we shouldn't do it again.

When we got to Wendy's, not the restaurant chain we don't have that here, Sana had demanded Nayeon took some candy for Joy, despite the fact that we did buy them some, already. Just as expected, they were prying, Sana told me to get the girls an Momo and go get the food, when we came back, all but Mina were slightly frightened looking and the subject was never touched again. It was a fun night, I haven't had one of these for a while, with the whole accident and aftermath and whatnot, it's good to have people not worry about me sometimes. It's even better to see Sana relax and just have fun, she's been on edge for too long already.

Not that the honeymoon didn't give her a chance to do so, but I had some issues and made her stressed when she should have been relaxing. I know she said it was fine and we should just try again, but it still weighs on me that I screwed it up. But today she seems to be a little more carefree, more relaxed, perhaps it's our friends, I don't know. What's important it that she is doing much better.

As always, one night's hang out turned into a whole weekend hang out, Nayeon had to finish her homework, the good part was that Joy had to do that too, so I managed to sit them down and have them finish it at some point, Yeri helped a lot. The good part about having your kid go to school with your friends' kid is that they can be coerced to do their school work together and it works better than trying to get them to do it alone.

By the time sunday night rolled in, Mina demanded to go home, saying Momo would be working the next day and it was time she went to bed... It was seven, we agreed because none was in the mood to deal with psycho Mina. The other girls were perplexed, I just mouthed 'baby' to them and they just brushed it off, saying goodbye while asking to be messaged when we got home.

"So, you look like you hag a lot of fun." Sana looks up from her book when I say this, intrigued look on her face.

"You alright there?" She asks as a soft giggle bubbles up.

"More than alright. It's just, you seemed a bit stressed lately, it felt nice to see you let loose and not worry for the weekend."

"You are more observant than I thought. But it's nothing to worry, it's just everything piled up."

"I know, but I want you to be more at ease. I worry about you too, you know?"

"I know, but this time was just me overthinking. The accident and the wedding all happened on top of each other and it was all hectic for a while."

"Don't beat yourself up too much, I was overthinking as well. But now you relax, young lady!"

"I'm older than you, though."


"And I'm already a married woman with a child, no less."

"Then I hope your wife doesn't find out about this, but I think I might be interested in you."

"Oh, she is a very understanding woman. I'm sure we can work something out." She giggles and wraps me in a hug, dragging us both to lay in bed.

"Then I think I'll just take you all to myself, mrs."

And that was the start of a very heated make out session, things started escalating and I thought it would be a nice time to be bold (I talked to Dr Tuan about it and he just said to try again when I felt like it, this seemed like the time). So I just brush my hands under her shirt, by the hem of her shorts, and she seems to get what I'm trying to do, that's when she sits up and stares at me. I guess i should speak up now, huh?

"Sana, can-can-can we-we tr-try again?"

"Are you sure you want to? We don't have to if you are not sure."

"I'm very sure, just- Please be patient, I don't know how to do this."

"Don't worry, I'm not sure what I'm doing as well." She giggles.


"Well, Nayeon kind of happened on my very first time, which was more of a disaster than you might think it was, so..."

"Wait. Hold up. You are saying I was catfished into marrying a nerd?"

I swear I tried to hold back, but Sana's flushed and angry face was too much. I can't not laugh about it, and it makes her even angrier, seems like I'm being noisy, as Yeonnie comes in, shyly, asking what is going on, I just tell her mama is being funny and call her over. The mood is certainly gone, but I tried, and that's what's important, right?

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