Trinta e dois.

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She hums in response, still looking at nothing specific.

"How did Yeonnie come about?"

"You married me and she became your daughter, officially. You did declare her to be yours way before that, and had been seeing her as yours even before that."

"That's not what I meant, and you know it. Now tell me about it."

"Ji, she is our daughter and that's that."

"Oh, she is my daughter alright, but why do you always evade it when I ask about your ex?"

"Because it wasn't a very nice experience. And she just left, just like that. She walked out on us without even looking back."

"Sana, you are my wife. Nayeon is MY daughter, and nobody will ever change that. I would just like to know what happened to you. Could you, please, share with me?"

"You do know your puppy eyes are unfair, right?"

"I don't know what you are talking about. Now, speak."

"Fine. So, I began dating on my high school senior year, and we went to very close universities so-"

"Will you ever tell me her name, at least?"

"It's not important, now keep listening."

"I would like to know, if you could tell me."

"Yewon, her name was Choi Yewon."

"I'm sensing a pattern on last names here."

"Will you stop being stupid and listen?"

"Sorry, continue."

"So, we went to close universities, and we hung out a lot, so much that my friends became her friends, the opposite never happened but that's beyond the point. On our first college party, we both got drunk, I was still somewhat understanding of what was going on, but she was a bit more far gone than I was.

So, I decided that it was time to go home, my dorm was closer, by about ten minutes, but closer. So we went back, my roommate was out for a few days, so we were okay to go. Yewon wanted to do it, we had already talked about that and she knew I wasn't very sure about it. But we were both drunk, and I didn't oppose the idea, so it happened.

Believe it or not, I was way worse than you."


"I love you, though. Now let me finish.

So! It was my first time, I didn't even know how to kiss her properly, and we were doing it. Yewon seemed to know exactly what to do, but I didn't pay attention at the time, I just let her guide me through everything. It was a disaster, I don't think I lasted a minute, even. But Yewon just told me we would keep going and didn't even give me time to think.

At the end, I really was disastrous, and she was kind of angry at me. She avoided me for the next week, our friends, well, the ones I thought were our friends, were kind of distant. I figured it was just the college stress or whatever, Yewon did reach out after a while, but she was kind of cold, so I asked if anything was wrong, she said it was fine and I should just forget it.

Two months later, she had been distant, the friends I thought I had were already cutting me out, I was pretty much by myself and Yewon wasn't even answering my texts. She came to my dorm around midnight and said we needed to talk, I found it weird, since she had been trying to cut communications since that night, and it was already pretty late.

We went to a cafe nearby, my roommate was studying, and so should I, but I wanted to know what was happening. Yewon never even ordered anything, I got myself a coffee, and waited for her to speak. When she did, she said she was frustrated, that she had complained to our friends about my inability to perform, as she put it, and they were disappointed with me as well. I was angry, she had gone and told everyone about everything that happened.

Then she dropped the pregnancy bomb, she just said it was amazing I managed to get her pregnant after being a complete let down and then demanded that I take responsibility. Thankfully, she never knew about my family, she just thought we were a medium class family with both my parents working, so we were well off enough to take care of the doctor expenses. She also said her family was to not find out, and that we were over, she just wanted me to pay for the pregnancy expenses and we would be done after.

That night I just went to my parents', they were worried when I got home in the middle of the night, completely disheveled and crying. I just climbed on their bed and spent the night there, morning came, we talked and I asked them to not let her know who we were, and that I wanted to try and take care of everything by myself. They were already well known people, and Yewon would know instantly who we were.

When it came the time for Nayeon to be born, Yewon just took a month before and one after off school, once she was well enough to go, she disappeared and I took time off college to raise my daughter. The reason Nayeon never had another parent on her registration before you, is because Yewon managed to get her lawyer to leave her out of it. I was always all Nayeon had, so I never thought about it when the time came for me to give up on everything and did my best to raise my daughter."

"You are an amazing woman, you know that, right?"

"Thanks, I'd do it all again, but I'm more than happy to have found you."

"I should be the one saying that. But I promise I'll never let you go, any of you. I love you, Nayeon and our little one."

"And we all love you very much. Now let's go, we still have to tell them."

"Do we really have to?"

"Yes, now stop trying to avoid it. Your knees have rested enough and we need to go home at some point."

"We could always flee the country."

"Mommy Tzu would find us before we even board a plane. Now stop trying to avoid your problems and move that cute butt."

"Fine, but you are the one telling them."

"Alright, you little coward. Let's go."

"Talking about my height won't work this time."

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