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How would you feel if, after a great day at work, you get home and find the love of your life all messed up? That is what happened with me a few months ago. The day was too good to be true, I should have expected something to go wrong, but not to find Momo sprawled on the couch, with ice packs all over, a cut on her neck, and her left knee looking like a bowling ball.

One could understand why I wanted to kill whoever did that to her, but she refused to tell me anything until I had calmed down enough to not storm out and get myself a gun. Imagine my surprise when she let out it was her boss who did it.

I was, how do I put it, 'welcoming' towards said boss since she was the one to help Momo out with a great job, and even became our guarantor for this apartment, which we would never be able to live in without her. I hadn't met her before, but Mo was only compliments about her.

After the incident, Momo got a whole week off, and was even sent to get the best medical care money could provide, I thought it was some sort of company plot for Momo not to go against them, only to find out later that her boss was covering everything out of her own pocket.

That got me thinking, why would she spend money on Momo, if she could just write it off as company expenses, and the answer to this question is what made fall for her on the spot.

It was the first day for Momo back to work, and I was absurdly overprotective of her, so I drove her to work and declared I was going to be there for lunch. But I got there a bit early, and was waiting for Momo on the testing room (they have a few games there) when the boss' secretary came by.

"Good afternoon, I'm Jung Eunji, the director's secretary. You are?" Must say her business smile was on point.

"Hello, *ahem* Myoui Mina. Hirai Momo's girlfriend. I'm here to pick her up for lunch, but she seems to be running late." I answered shaking her hand.

"Momo is great, she is really what we had been lacking, before she came. It's great to meet you." She says and is about to leave, when I decided to ask.

"Sorry, but, could you tell me what happened for Momo to get beaten up like that?"

"Do you have time, Ms Myoui?" She says with a serious look on her face.

"Until Momo gets here. And Mina is fine."

"Very well. I'll tell you what I can. But, understand that, whatever I don't tell you, is because I simply can't."

"Not a problem. I'm just trying to understand better."

"You see, Mina, our boss is not a very common person."

"She owns a company this big, of course she is not."

"Yes, but that is not what I meant. She is a genius, not that she would ever say it herself, she got her doctors at the age of nine, started this company at ten, with the money she made on her various researches, and hit fame with a team of three people, before expanding and becoming all of this."

I couldn't even say anything, this is some surprise. But Ms Jung continues, seeing my surprised expression and understanding I was not able to talk properly.

"Well, as a child who knew way too much for her age, she was prone to attract attention, the bad kind as well. So, she doesn't have a very nice relationship with people, she had a rather traumatic life. Her parents always did the best they could, but one can only do so much. So, she grew up to be the nicest person one could ever meet, but she got all the hate and insecurities thrown at her over and over again. So, some things became triggers to her."

"And where does Momo come into play and gets beat up?"

"She was with Director Chou when one of those triggers got pulled. But thanks to Momo, only the three of us got hurt, and she didn't get to hurt herself too badly this time."

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