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We had Jihyo on a very troubled time in our lives, don't mistaken us, we were overjoyed when we heard the doctor say Jeongyeon was pregnant. But Jeong had just won for congress, and I had just opened The Tale, my very first single owned restaurant, we were swarmed with work, thankfully, Jin was already with us, he helped a lot with Jihyo.

I met Jeongyeon at a cocktail party the restaurant I worked for was catering, she caught my eye as soon as they landed on her, she was there as an office official, and I could only thank the heavens that we were to cater the whole symposium, not just the first night. I observed her the whole next day, before I got the courage to approach her during dinner.

We talked a lot, contrary to popular belief, she took a lot of getting used to, Dahyun helped more than I could have asked her for in that area. She showed up sometime on the second night, I learned they became friends not long before, but seemed to have hit it off right away. She was a great girl, maybe a little too jolly for an official, not complaining, though.

Marriage came about two years after we met, one year after getting engaged, and I couldn't be happier by the fact Jeongyeon had finally accepted to marry me. I had lost some hope after I proposed and she rejected, only for her to propose herself a few months after. Jihyo came three years after marriage, at the time we had planned to work hard to give a great life to our kid. So we had drowned ourselves with work only to find out our plans had been anticipated.

Looking back on it, maybe we should have just stopped and given ourselves to our daughter, but we would only learn that a few years later, when her first broken ribs showed up. She developed way too fast for a kid her age, so we had her examined to be told she was a genius, and we tried to give her all she needed to develop her intellect, that meant sending her to specialized schools.

Not everyone was welcoming of her, though. She has always been a nice kid, trying her best to see the best in everyone, she never even dared fighting back all those times she got beaten up just for being herself. Jeong and I will never forgive ourselves about her getting hurt over and over again, when we were incapable of doing anything, as she always refused to tell who did it, every single time.

All we could do was tighten security around her, but she caught on and insisted she was okay by herself. We demanded she stopped evading her bodyguards when two broken arms and five broken ribs happened. Jeong was the devil herself and I was barely holding on as it was, Jin was the one to settle things, as she was already getting her second masters, and we would never imagine grown ups to do that with a kid.

Since then, security around her has always been tight, but they had to improve to perfection in order for her to not notice, or maybe she just gave up. Whatever it is, I must say it improved to the point I don't even notice them sometimes, and I know all of them. The day Jihyo broke down was a surprise to us, as she was supposed to have been under watch. But we can never thank Momo enough for getting her safe before anything happened.

Our hearts broke once again when the call came and Chorong saind to just come quick for Jihyo needed us. I immediately called Jin, as I knew Jeongyeon wouldn't be able to answer at the time. I heard he simply barged into a meeting with the head of the gabinet and declared the meeting was cancelled, dragging Jeongyeon to the car and explaining on the way. That guy never ceases to impress us.

When we arrived, our already shattered hearts were pulverised, turned to dust and trampled with. No parent should have to see their kid like that, especially over and over again like we did. We saw that the floor was empty, thankfully, and Chorong and Eunji were already pretty messed up, not as much as the other girl was, and Jihyo was passed out in the floor of her office.

We were told what happened by the girl, we came to know as Momo, and felt grateful that there were people like her, willing to help our daughter in the times or real need. After that, we brought her home, forced her into therapy, as we had seen how these things take a toll on her, before she shut herself down again. She got better, and we were overjoyed when she told us she decided to go out with Momo.

Mina and Momo were really good kids, Jeong was suspicious, and ordered a background check on them, also sent some investigators to observe them for a while. I was just happy they seemed to enjoy being around Jihyo, she needed friends, real ones. Jeong's investigations came back with great results, and we were more open to having the young couple be near our little bear.

I must say, the Mina kid is a bit weird, though. She looks poised, serene and chic, although, she was anything but. According to Jeongyeon, she came from a over-affectionate family, her parents were both in relatively high positions themselves, and gave off the same vibe when needed, but were two goofballs with their daughter.

Momo, on the other hand, came from a family that showed love by taking care of one another, that made her more subtle but way more attentive than Mina. All in all, they turned out to be better friends than we expected, so much so, Jeong pulled the investigators after Jihyo's first night at the couple's house. I think she isn't ready for her daughter to have those kinds of adventures yet, though I doubt they really did what she thinks they did.

When we got to know her new project was a direct collaboration with Dahyun's daughter, we got really happy, maybe that would be a way to get back in touch with our dearly missed old friend. Jeongyeon got excited when she found out Dahyun got married, had a daughter and they were working with our Jihyo. She even called Dahyun that night, found out she had no idea about it and we decided to meet up for drinks.

We caught up with each other, unfortunately, her wife was busy with work, and we couldn't get to meet her until the launch party, which was the most fun the three of us had in a while. Dubs had always been mischievous, again, I doubt her military career, but not having told her wife about us at all was another level of trickery.

We had dinner the following day and got to know Chaeyoung, she is great, too bad she relates too much with Jeongyeon's sense of humor for my taste, but I liked her anyways. Found out they have a granddaughter already, and made them promise to bring her along next time. Their daughter seems to be a good kid as well, and we want to meet her as well, so, as we finish dinner, I tell the Jihyo will arrange a get together for the two families.

I mean, our kid is great, and it's past time she gets together with someone, not that I'm letting Jeongyeon know of my plans anytime soon, but I messaged Dahyun about it and we both agree with this. I mean, if Ji was to be with someone, why not someone we know about?! And we could get a granddaughter as well, without having to wait long for it (I know my kid and it would take years). Also, if what I noticed during the party the other day is right, or close to it, there is some interest, too bad Jihyo is slower than Jeongyeon with these things... I swear, this kid has got to begin noticing things or she will get her butt whooped by yours truly.... Not really, but you know what I mean.

"You are not sleeping? What's wrong?" Looks like I woke Jeong up.

"Nothing, love. Just sleep."

"Your eyes always betray you, you know that?"

"I was thinking about Jihyo."

"She seems to be fine lately. I admit I was worried with her breaking after so long, but it looks like she has great people with her, now. Appart from us, I mean." She ends with a chuckle, holding me tighter and kissing my shoulder.

"That's not it, I was just remembering some things, and being glad she has those two with her, now." I love this woman, and the way she looks at me each time still makes my knees weak.

"I know. I just hope she would open up to them a little more. Seems like she isn't talking yet."

"Don't pressure her, Jeong. You know how she gets when she wants to shut the world out."

"Don't even joke about it. I don't want to see her like that again. But, I have a feeling we won't."

"Funny you should say that. I was thinking the same."

"Now, let's bring your mood up a little, shall we?"

"What do you have in mind?"

"You know, Jihyo could use a little sibling."

"Do you even think we still can?" I swear, this woman...

"We should, at least, try. You know, for our daughter's sake." 

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