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Have you ever had a motherly love towards someone almost your age? That's how I feel about my boss. See, she is one of those genius kids with a childhood filled with bullying, but she is one of the most adorable cupcakes I have ever seen.

I met her in college, she was a teacher before you wonder, and I was one of the few students who could see past the fact she was way too young to be teaching at a masters course. But, truly, she was really good at it, and would always go the extra mile to make sure we were all understanding what she wanted to share with us.

But, something always bothered me, she was such a great character, but there was always that glint of sadness on her eyes. I don't know what on her made me worry, I mean, not everyone honestly wants to spend time with teachers, but I wanted to make that sadness vanish from her eyes.

It never did, though. Not until recently, not until she hit rock bottom, and, most certainly, not before she was shattered completely. But I'll get there, before, I should, probably, talk about how I got from her student to her employee, to succeeding in befriending her.

It all started with me getting to talk to her more, by asking questions after class, and pretending to want to learn things I already thought I knew. Turns out, she had a lot more to share about things than I expected, and I would learn something new every time.

Even though I had some lunches with her, and we talked a lot, the teacher-student dynamics never really changed. Eventually, she said the company she worked for (no one knew she owned it at the time) was starting a new project and she was looking for new developers and 3D animators.

Both peaked my interest, but I applied for the animation team, since it would be more fun to do, and I would be able to cut some hours and spend more time with Mina. Speaking of her, she knew I was on a mission to befriend my teacher. At the beginning, she got a bit jealous about it, but once she saw who I was talking about, she felt the same way.

After the interview, and the qualification test, I got the job, and couldn't wait to tell the woman who has been with me through hell and back. We were never the well off type o people. She had her studio (how we met, by the way), but it was on the small side. And I was the tech girl struggling to make a name for myself on the industry.

We went through some rough patches on our early years, moved in together to cut expenses, and spend more time with each other, since our work hours were always longer than the week before. One of the main reasons I jumped on the chance to work at JTJ is I would have less office hours, be paid more, and be allowed to do home office if needed. All that, meant more time for Mina and a little more room to breathe.

"What are you so serious about?"

"Mi-chan, just thinking about Jihyo. Her parents were something."

"You are right about that. She is quite the wonder woman herself, though."

"You mean we are going to date Jihyo now?"

"Bold of you to assume I'll let anyone near her. I'm taking her for myself."

"Good luck about that, I happen to work with her and we talk everyday."

"That is just a detail. I bet you two only talk tech stuff anyways."

"Yeah, right. But, true story, though, she is such a sweetheart, right?"

"I know! You always said she was great and all, but I must say I got a bit resentful after you came home wrecked."

"Oh, that was a wild ride. I still can't believe somebody could be so cold hearted to such a sweetcake."

"She told me about it, but what is your version of it?"

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