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"Jihyo, wake up, kiddo. We are almost there." Mina shakes me awake.

"Oh, right. Say, you two want to stay the night? It's pretty late already."

"You sure about it?" Momo asks.

"Yes, pretty sure. Come on, park inside and let me show you the guest room."

"What do you say, Minnie. Should we stay?"

"Definitely. Nothing good ever happens after two a.m. And you are almost asleep yourself, Mo."

"Then, welcome to my house. I hope I can be a good host. Now, follow me."

I proceed to get them through the door, lock it up, and guide them to one of the guest rooms. I just excuse myself a bit so I can get them some pijamas and come back to a almost asleep Momo, and a very tired-looking Mina.

So I just hand them the clothes, show Mina where my room is, in case they need anything during the night, tell her there are spare toothbrushes and towels on the bathroom, and excuse myself. Barely being able to stay awake long enough to slip on to my pjs and brush my teeth before collapsing into bed.


I wake up next morning with pain all over my back, guess I'm getting too old to play with children all night... Or I just need to go out more, I mean, I'm really tired, not at all sleepy, just tired from two days of going out in a row. But I feel good, it's nice to talk to people, trusting Momo and (finally) accepting her invitation was a very wise decision, if I must say so.

Checking the time, it's somewhat early, so I just get up and check on my guests, who seem to be sleeping very soundly in a rather weird position. If I had to describe, Momo is laying on her stomach,with her legs dangling out of the bed, whilst Mina is laying on her side, on top of Momo, with her arms thrown up. I'm sure they will be hurting all over when they wake up.

After taking a very quick shower and fixing some breakfast, I decide to call moms, it's been a while since I talked to them, and those two don't look like they will be up anytime soon. So I just fish my phone up and call the one I know will answer.


"Mom, I called you two days ago."

"And that's two whole days of us not hearing from you."

"Mom, could you, please, calm down? You're panting already."

"Don't try and change the subject, I'm panting because I'm running from your mother to get some alone time with you."

"Oh, good luck, then. But I have news for both of you."

"Start talking, then. Is it bad news? Are you okay? Should we come over? I'm calling the driver."

"Calm down and call mommy? It's good news."


"Now I know where my voice came from."

"Oh, shush it."

She sits down on the couch smiling, and mommy gets beside her with a worried look. I think she will start with the exact same worried ranting.

"Chou Jihyo, how come you don't call your parents for two whole days? And what news is this? Are you alright? Should we come over? We are coming over, Jeong, get your purse."

"Tzu, honey, let our kid speak?"

"Fine. But this better not be bad news, or we are coming over right now."

I can just laugh at them. They have a very weird dynamics, but they are the most loving and caring parents I could have ever asked for, and would go to hell and back just so I could be happy and healthy. You are probably wondering why they called me Chou, right? Well, my real name is Jihyo Yoo-Chou, or Chou Jihyo, whatever you'll have it. The thing is, my last name is a rather famous one, so I go by Yoo on my own business, for people not to value the name, but the work.

Momo found out who my parents are a few months ago, when I had a breakdown after being dragged through the mud by a simple crush, who I had given up on, already. The CEO called them and asked them to come down after finding me drunk and destroying my office. You see, the company is mine, but I prefer the creative process, rather than the management process, so I chose someone I could trust to take care of that, and Chorong has been stepping up ever since.

"Moms, can I talk now?"

They just stop bickering and focus their entire selves on me, this is something they have always done, and it still gets me flustered. They just quiet down and look at me, waiting for me to talk, and so I do.

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