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"Produced and distributed by JTJ Games Inc., directed by Yoo Jihyo, scripted by Yoo Jihyo and Lee Sunmi, concept art by K-S Arts..." Mina reads and starts trailing off.

She, then, looks at me stunned, with Momo laughing like a madwoman beside me. I just prepare myself, since she looks like she is about to start screaming.


Aaand, I was right, so I just start laughing with Momo, as everyone else runs to the living room worried about THE Myoui Mina screaming over something.

"So, which one is going to explain the reason Mina is screaming and getting frozen solid right after?" Wendy says, looking very very angry.

"Okay, so, remember how Mina is a gamer, right?" Momo manages to say between laughs.

"You better spill the whole thing, Hirai. We are not in the mood." Irene says crossing her arms.

"Well, you all know Jihyo and I work at JTJ and I've given you some of the games the company released. So, Mina has just found out my Jihyo, here, is the responsible for her favorite game." Momo concludes going back to laughing at her still frozen girlfriend.

"Wait, what?" Yeri jumps up, reaching for the game case.

"It's always nice to meet a fan, Ms. Myoui." I state and grin, hoping Mina will snap out of her trance. Seems to have worked.

"I-I... Hmm... Y-yeah... I-I..." Mina tries her best to form sentences.

"So, you are telling me this game is your doing?" Yeri says, checking the names on the bottom.

"Indeed I am, Ms. Kim. Sorry if you got disappointed."

"No no no no. Not at all. But I would never, in this life, imagine to meet THE Yoo Jihyo. The one responsible for most of my favorite games." Yeri says.

"You flatter me. Want me to sign it?" I ask teasingly, but it seems she does want it when she darts for the rack and pulls out a marker.

I just chuckle and proceed to sign it, and Mina seems to be waking up properly, when she tries to walk towards Irene cutely, ending up looking like she has an itch she can't scratch.

"Soooo, beautiful, smart, angelic, my goddess, Bae Irene..." She starts.

"No way, Mina. Plus, your girlfriend can get you one anytime." Irene cuts her.

"But it's a signed one!" Mina whines.

I laugh at them. "You guys know you could just ask me for more, right?"

They all turn their heads to me like a cackle of hyenas eyeing their prey. I get slightly regretful about having just said that.

"So, next week, Jihyo's place. Everyone gets a copy of their favorite game signed by the Yoo Jihyo herself." Mina declares.

"I'm making a list." Seulgi proceeds to pick up pen and paper and starts writing.

"Sorry to break it to you, girls. But next week is a 'no go' for me." I say, and they all freeze on the spot.

"My moms are visiting, so I won't really do anything but spend time with them." I continue.

"So, I won't be seeing you from when?" Momo asks, knowing full well I don't come to work when my parents are in town.

"Wednesday, I think. They should arrive around lunch, so I'll just home office in the morning and be out until tuesday afternoon." I answer, sounding as much as an office lady as she is right now.

"What about the meeting with K-S Arts on thursday? We can't really begin pricing for 'Beta 246' without them, and it's your project." She goes on.

"Don't talk as if it has nothing to do with you. You are the animation director. I'll just prepare Sunmi for that. She will breeze through it, I promise."

"Could you two stop working on weekends?" Irene laughs heading back to the kitchen with Seulgi.

They all seem to have lost interest with the 'office talk', so Wendy and Yeri disappear somewhere, and Mina sits back on the couch and snuggles up to Momo.

"Thanks Momo."

"No problem, kiddo."

"What are you two talking about, now?" Mina seems to have taken an interest in the topic.

"Can we talk about this latter? Momo knows because she saved me, but if you really want to know, I'll tell you latter." I ask in the softest voice I can muster, making sure only Mina and Momo hears it.

"Sure, but I'm asking this again and you will answer, young lady."

"She is older than you, Minnie." Momo chuckles.

"Don't care. Now pick up this controller and show me all the good stuff you hid here."

I just laugh and start playing with her. Showing all the cheats, easter eggs, hidden items, secret passages, you name it. Mina seems to be fascinated, and Momo looks to be learning some new tricks as well.

At some point, we are all around the TV, while I'm already playing through the third game and revealing everything to them. Seems they all have one of my games as their favorite. And that's how our night goes by, somewhere in the middle of the fourth game, I throw the towel, too tired to keep going.

Momo, then, decides it's time to go home, so we bid our goodbyes and head home, for some much needed sleep. I can barely keep myself awake right now.

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