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"Do NOT let her have candy, she's not going to eat lunch. I'll be back in a few hours, good luck." Sana says as she leaves.

Sana had to go solve some problems in town, so I volunteered to look after Nayeon while she's out. Why? Because Moms are huddled up on the conference room with Jin and won't be out until dinner, Momo and Mina are out hiking and the Sons told us they were setting for a new record in sleeping, so Sana and I were the only ones left. She got a call from K-S Arts, and had to leave, so it's just Nayeon and I for the next couple of hours.

"HyoHyo! Can we pway?"

"Ofcourse we can! What do you want to do?"

"Pew pew game!" She says making finger guns, meaning shooting games.

"Okay, let's choose one and we'll play."

"Pew pew pew pew!" She tries to run towards the tv. I say try because she can't run very well. It looks.... Different.

I managed to keep her distracted for about one and a half hour, that was until she remembered her mom was not with us and decided it was a great moment to try and convince me giving her candy was a good idea. Obviously, Nayeon never needed to convince me of anything, I would spoil her whenever I had the chance.


"What is it, Nayeonnie?"

"Nayeonnie want candy. Just a wittle bit? Pwease?" Oh, cr-poop.

"Okay, but just one."

"Yay!" She beems up.

Getting to the kitchen, I sit her on the balcony and get the candy jar.

"Okay, choose one and then we go play again."

"This one!" She chooses a piece of gum. At least it won't ruin her appetite.

And so we go back to the living room and start building a pillow fort. All's fun and games until the is a war. Read 'I invade the fort and attack her with tickles'. Nayeon laughs too much, and panic runs over me, as I notice her gum is not on her mouth anymore.

So, fearing the worst, I just put her down and say I'm going to the bathroom. As soon as I'm in, I run to the mirror to check where the gum might have landed, and, with my luck, it's on my hair. I'll go back to check on Nayeon and try to remove this.

"Yeonnie, can we watch tv a little?"

"HyoHyo no pway?"

"We will, but HyoHyo is tired, can we stop for a little bit?"


Great, now I can try to fix this and not have to worry her. And guess what? It's not working, I managed to remove some of it, but this gum stuck to my hair and doesn't seem to have any intentions on getting off. A trip to town it is, I guess.

"Yeonnie, how about we go to town?"

"Go out and pway?"

"How about we go and make you a princess today?"

"Yay! Pwincess!"

She shouts as she jumps off the couch. I know I'll have to spend a little more than I planned, but I need to keep her distracted while I get my hair cut. So, I'm taking her to the parlor so she can have a princess hair and makeup done, and get a princess dress, while the beautician figured out what to do with this mess on my head.

It was really fun, actually. But now my hair is just above my shoulder, and I don't know how much of a shock it will be for everyone else when we get back to the house. Nayeon was too happy to notice anything besides herself, I must say she looks too cute on her pink, fluffy dress.

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