Vinte e Nove

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"Do you think she fainted?"

"I don't know, but her eyes are open."

"Maybe she fainted with her eyes open?"

"I think she finally lost it."

"Should we call for help?"

"They can't see each other right now, you know that."

"I know, but I'm out of ideas here."

Okay, this is enough, these guys are starting to bother me. All I wanted right now was to panic quietly, but no, they had to be crammed in here. I mean, I could panic today, right? It's not like I would run away..... Okay, maybe I would. But that's besides the point.... What was the point, again? Nevermind.

"You are all very noisy, you know that, right?!" I can't help but ask.

"Oh, she spoke."

"But she is still not moving, what do we do?"

"I don't know, I'm following your lead."

"Momo, you are lucky you are pregnant. And Sunmi, you are lucky I'll need you to hold the meetings next week. Otherwise, you two would be in a lot more trouble."

They just giggle and keep spouting nonsense while we wait. The good part is, there's not much time left, the best part is, Chorong and Eunji are not here, this could have gotten out of hand if they were. Honestly, it was the first time I saw Sunmi being able to kick those two out of anywhere. Usually they just sweet talk her into their nonsense and it's only a matter of time until hell breaks loose.

On cue, somebody knocks on the door to tells us it's time, so everyone starts scrambling to their feet to get ready, the mess gets bigger, and some people have to come in and rescue them all. I love these goofs, but they are way too messy at all times. But we, finally, get out of the waiting room and into the corridors, this place truly is a sight to see.

The doors open, the music is blaring, my head is spinning and I don't think I can stand for much longer, this knot on my stomach is not behaving right now, as well. I think I should just go home, this is so- Oh, mommy is here, great, now I have to stay, she has her iron grip on my arm.

"Sweetie, do not freak out now. Just look at Sana and everything will be fine."

She whispers on my ear and just guides me forward, that's when I see Sana, she is beautiful. I mean, she is beautiful all the time, but today there is something more, she looks angelic? I don't know, but everything else has faded, mommy was right, I think I can do this now. I'm still a wreck, don't be mistaken, but I'm here, we are here, I can get through this.

Why am I so nervous anyways? We are already married, this ceremony is just to announce it, right? It's not like it's the wedding of the year, a lot of politicians, high ranking military officials, the crust of high society and the most influential among the technology world are all gathered here just so we can say yes to each other again. Only, it is, and I was campaigning to have a private and closed wedding until this morning, when I was told to shut up and just do it already, Mina can get scary when she's angry.

So, right now, walking down this aisle, I'm trying to focus everything on Sana, she is smiling and there is a glint of mockery in her eyes, but I can feel how much she is nervous as well. It's not only our wedding, the pressure of our parents guests is weighing down on us both, I'm marrying a general's daughter, and she is marrying the president's daughter, not only for us both, but we have to pull this off for our families.

Everything ends without me registering it, I don't know how I pulled off my vows, Sana's seem like a hazy dream to me (I know they were beautiful), the only thing I could really register was the priest asking if someone had something against our marriage, and Sana looking at Mina and Momo, and telling them they would be murdered if they said anything, Mina looked like she had something to say, alright, but Momo was just way too amused with everything, and having trouble controlling herself and her wife.

The party was also just a faraway thing, all I can do is just let myself be dragged around, greeting all those important people and not being certain about what is happening, just hoping I'm making sense and not just mumbling whatever comes to mind, as I usually do. Sana looks to be having the time of her life with how I look, which brings me to think, I might be in a slightly worse stage of self-embarrassment than I thought, at some point she does get me sat down and makes me eat, though, that was nice.

At some point, Momo gives me a hug and say her goodbyes, followed by all our friends, before I'm dragged to our parents who do the same, Nayeon has been asleep for a while now, but we don't take her home with us, looks like Momo and Mina will take her home soon. Sana seems to be doing really well today, and without her guiding me through this, nothing would have been done.

Getting home, we just take our dresses off, put them away so Mina can take them back to the shop sometime this week, and hop into the shower. We do have a plane to catch soon, so getting ready shouldn't take too long, or we will certainly be late. I don't get why we have to fly out in the middle of the night, but here we are, getting dressed to take a cab and head out to the airport at two a.m.

I just hope this week away on the Faroe Islands will do us good, the place is beautiful and rather isolated, so we can truly turn off and just enjoy for the time we are away. That, and Sana made sure they would have tons of things for me to do, despite my knees. So I'm very excited, regardless. I just hope I don't screw this up, we also never had THE talk, ergo, I have no clue on what to do, when to do it, or how to even bring it up. I know Sana wants things to happen, and I want them too, but that's about as far as it goes, just knowing.

We have been kissing, since that night, but I'm sure it's not as great as it should be, and Sana refuses to tell me where things could improve, I talked to Dr Tuan about it, he said I'm just overreacting, and everything is just fine, but still, I want to do better, Sana deserves me to do better, she has been nothing short from perfectly patient and understanding about it all. Okay, I'm blabbering, focus back on the task at hand and finish getting ready, Jihyo, it's about time to leave.

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