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Huh?! This is weird, I can't move, there is something in my mouth, what is this pain I feel all over? Last thing I remember is a car coming our way, nayeon got hurt, but she would be fine. What happened? I just closed my eyes for a minute, just a little rest, I felt alright. Maybe I wasn't?! I should try to open my eyes now. I have to find out where I am, at least.

My eyes sting, maybe it's the strong light, there is this strong smell of cleaning products, and some very loud beeping. An unfamiliar ceiling. Hospital? Why am I here? I was fine, just closed my eyes for a minute. Is there someone around? Oh, a doctor, I should ask her what is happening. There seems to be something on my mouth, though.

"Jihyo, hello, I'm doctor Kim Chungha. I need you to be still right now, okay?"

"She seems responsive, let's remove the tube and see how she responds." The doctor seems to be talking to someone.

A nurse comes into view and starts removing something around my neck, the tape she is removing from my face burn a little, seems they were there for some time.

"This is going to feel bad, don't worry, it's going to be over fast. Cough as much as you need bt try not to move too much, okay?" The nurse warns, she looks nice.

The feeling is awful, it's like throwing up but it doesn't end soon, when it ends, there is a fit of coughs, and my throat burns, there is a thirst that comes with it, and I don't want to drink anything, really, I think I can't right now.

"Good girl, just cough it out. I need you to try and drink this." The nurse says and helps me get the straw on my mouth.

It helps, but my throat still burns. They bring the bed up, somewhere between sitting and laying, it hurts a bit, mainly my sides, but now I can see better. My right leg is in a cage? It seems. The left one is on a cast, my arms are heavily bandaged and the worried looks I'm getting from doctor Kim are not very assuring.

"Okay, Jihyo, I want you to try to talk only when you feel you can. Right now, your readings are very good, and we need you to tell us what you remember, can you do that?" Doctor Kim requests.

I nod before trying to produce any sound. It hurts, almost as if something is clawing at my throat from inside, but the sound comes.

"Nayeon." It comes out lower than I had expected, but doctor Kim seems to have heard me.

"She is fine. She broke her leg, but that's all there was, you took almost all the damage."

I smile, good thing she is alright.

"Now, what is the last thing you remember?" Doctor Kim continues.

"Car, Nayeon's leg, everybody crying. I shut my eyes just for a minute and woke up here."

"This is really good, you don't seem to have any memory damage. We are going to let the others in, but don't strain your voice too much. Nurse Choi will come back later with your medications. If you feel anything, call for us right away. We will run more tests later this evening, I want you to remain awake for as long as you can, okay?" Dr. Kim advises and proceeds outside to talk to someone. Probably to advise moms about me.

Nurse Choi finishes up and leaves a lot of water on the bedside table, telling me to drink as much as I can and that I must call whatever happens, even if it's just a little headache. Moms come in as soon as the nurse leaves, they look beat, it's always been like this, but they are getting older, I shouldn't be putting them through these things still.

They hug me to the best of their abilities, it's not a very easy task when I'm pretty much docked here. Their faces are tired, but theirs eyes tell me they are happy I'm still here. They are talking, but it's hard to make out any words amongst the crying and hushed voices.

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