Thirty seven.

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Nobody tells you how easy it is to fall into routine, how, when you got your life steady, things are just part of everyday. The game making, launch parties, partnerships, parenting (all my six kids), everything is routine, and, just like that a few years have passed by and I'm not sure how I've just breezed to everything without noticing.

Although, Nayeon's 15th birthday party came with a very unwelcome surprise. A very smug and pretentious looking woman came by just as the last guests were leaving, she strut up the driveway as if she owned the place, it didn't sit well with me. Sana noticed her a bit late, and froze as soon as she saw, she was trembling and started to sweat a bit. All I could do was hold her hand and pull her a bit closer.

The woman stopped right in front of us, scanned me from head to toe, and back, then look at Sana, a heinous smile spreading across her lips, and her voice sounding gnarley.

"You look to have become more of a wimp." That was all she needed to say for Sana to lose it.

Luckly, there were security around the house, mom isn't a politician anymore, but she is still a very influential figure. The guards sprung into action as soon as Sana began screaming for the woman to leave and never dare to come back, I struggled to bring her inside, where our family was waiting, incredibly concerned, I just asked yeonnie to take care of Chan, and told them I would be out to talk as soon as I could, whilst dragging Sana to our room and locking the door.

Once inside, Sana just broke down and started crying, screaming, pacing trying to pull her hair, and I was honestly scared for her. The intensity of her emotions was so strong she, suddenly, came into a halt, threw up and fainted. It all happened really fast, but I was able to get ahold of her on time. I just put her on the bed and cleaned everything up the best I could, everyone was waiting to know what happened, and I needed to order security to never let that woman near Sana.

Once I managed to get back to the living room, Yeonnie had taken her brothers to their room and promised to distract them, as long as I talked to her later. I couldn't be more thankful. The others were waiting with very worried faces. Having already contacted the head of security, at least, I could trust them to keep that woman away while I took the time to tell our family what happened.

"Jihyo, what happened?" mrs Son asks in a tone I never heard.

"I don't know either, sh-"

"Sana was hysterical, what happened out there?" director Son cut me off.

"You cut my daughter like that, e.v.e.r. again, and that will be the last thing you ever say." Mommy hisses and fearful silence falls upon them. "Ji, sweetie, can you tell us what happened?" She turns to me very soft and worried sounding.

"As I was saying, I don't know what happened. We were outside saying goodbye to Irene and Seulgi when this woman came towards us. Something told me to get away from her, I didn't like the way she looked at us. But Sana was busy saying her last goodbyes when she approached, so the woman was close when Sana saw her.

As soon as Sana looked at the woman she froze with fear in her eyes, then she began screaming and trying to rip the woman's throat, I managed to hold her back, and security got the woman out. Then I dragged her to our room, she started having a panic attack, threw up and fainted. I already called Dr Lee and Mark, they said they will come as soon as they can."

"Jihyo, could you pull the footage and show us?" mrs Son says in a much softer tone, but heavy nonetheless.

"Sure, let me get my tablet."

As soon as they see what the CCTV got, the Sons were growling in anger. Mina and Momo were trying to get them to sit down and get some water, mom was on the phone with somebody about having some secret security detail for Sana and Nayeon, and mommy had excused herself to call somebody.

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