Thirty four

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"Care to explain why are you making a whole ass lasagna in the middle of the night? You woke Momo up." Mina says in a slightly angry and very annoyed tone. Slightly amused as well.

"You know that pregnant women have these weird urges and whatnot, right?"

"Oh, sorry about that. At least it isn't melonpan at two in the morning."

"That one came up last week. Today is chicken and red sauce lasagna. I made three, given Sana will want one for herself and Momo will eat a whole one as well."

"You are amazing. I'll bring some for Momo when you finish, then."

"Okay, I'll just- Sorry I woke you guys up."

"Hey, come here, you didn't do anything wrong. I understand, Momo understands too. And you are a great wife, a great mother and you are doing everything you can. We all appreciate that."

At that, I break down crying, I don't know exactly what it was, the warm hug, the comfort Mina seemed to emanate, the uncertainty I've been feeling, the tiredness from not sleeping well for worrying about Sana and the baby too much, everything at once. All I know is that I cried for long enough to the alarm I set for the oven to go off, Mina stayed there and let me, making sure she didn't let me go the entire time.

"Better?" Mina asks, as she untangles us and proceeds to turn off the oven.

"Yeah, thanks. Sorry about that."

"Don't apologise, you are under a lot of stress. I think the only reason I didn't break down like that was because you and Sana were there. Now let Momo and I be here for you."

"Thanks Mina. Honestly."

"Don't. I'm here, we are all here for you, whenever. We all love you, remember?"

"I know, and thank you."

"Now, can you tell me what's wrong?"

"I can't, I don't know what it was, honestly. I just felt like crying when you hugged me."

"I get that. It's alright, just promise me you will talk to Mark about it?"

"Yes, ma'am. I have an appointment later today, I think I'm more stressed out than it seemed."

"Good girl. Now take that to your wife before she comes for it."

"Thank, Micchan. Try and not let Momo eat everything in the middle of the night, she will work in the morning, stomachache or not."

"It's a meeting to plan the farewell party for the interns, Ji."

"A very important meeting, then."

"I know you have this weird party policy at your company, but it's just a farewell party."

"Outrageous! I will leave you to rethink your words, missy!" I let out in a gasp and make my way back to our bedroom, where Sana is likely waiting for her lasagna in a very grumpy mood.

And, sure enough, I find my lovely wife waiting for me with a frown, sitting on the couch and not looking very friendly, she lights up immediately when she realises I bring gifts. This pregnancy is going to kill me at some point, if she keeps getting these cravings in the middle of the night, the closer it gets to the due date, the more insane are her wishes.

"Ooooh! I thought you fell asleep in the kitchen."

"Mina woke up and scolded me for waking Momo and making her crave for whatever was being cooked."

"But you brought the whole thing here?"

"I made more, this one is for you."

"I love you." With this, she proceeds to eat.

"I love you too. Can I go to sleep, now?"

"Sure! If I want something else, I'll wake you up."

"Fair enough. Remember to brush your teeth after you finish, tomato sauce does a wonderful job in staining them."

"Yes, mom. I'll remember."

"Don't rush." I chuckle, give her a kiss on top of her head and jump on bed, falling asleep faster than I thought I would.

Sure enough, not much later, she came to bed and snuggled up to me with very satisfied hums. That tells me I can get to sleep until morning... Hopefully...

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