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Okay, so, how did I get myself into this? I mean, it's not that I'm unhappy to have Sana and our Nayeon are living with me, but I've been trying to get to the bathroom for half and hour already and I don't think I can last much longer. My knees are much better now, and I can already walk by myself, I still need the crutches, but I can do it. Sana refuses to let me do anything, though, and Nayeon has proven to be just as stubborn.

I was surprised at first with their moving in, but it has been great, apart from the fact that I have to sneak around so I can work, that is. Not even my bribery works with Nayeon anymore, so I have to hide from two if I want to get anything done. Like right now, I've been in this closet long enough to know they should be showing up anytime now.

"Chou Jihyo, you turn that computer off right now and we are going to sit you on the couch so you can rest." Like I said.

"Come on, Sana, I'm just answering some emails."

"Rest means rest. I'm not having you stress yourself out when you are supposed to be relaxing."

"Just little bit?"

"You already had your little bit. Or did you really think you were being sneaky?"

I'll just give up and let her drag me to the living room so I can laze around under her watch. Sometimes I question just why I agreed to get engaged, but she is just making sure I'm taking proper care of myself, I understand how she feels. But it's been way too long, I need to do things or I'm gonna lose it. That's when the door being opened and my two favorite weirdos arrive.

"Momo! Mina! Sana is being mean to me!"

"You were working again, weren't you?" Momo has this grin that I want to slap out of her.

"We know she was, Mo. I bet Sana caught her hiding again." And now Mina has one too.

"The disrespect I receive in this house!"

"How are you two? It's been a while since you've been over." Sana is just ignoring me now.

"We were here like, two days ago." Momo chuckles as she takes a seat.

"But we come with great news." Mina says as she comes back from the kitchen with drinks.

"Momo is pregnant and you two are going to have a shotgun wedding before she starts to show." Sana says without tearing her gaze from her computer.

"And you couldn't let us say it?" Mina says rather amused.

"Wait, really?" I really am surprised.

"Yeah, we went to the doctor yesterday. And we are here to see when you would be walking again." Momo answer too calmly.

"If it's walking down the aisle, she will be fine for that in a week or two. But she is going to need to sit down through the ceremony." Why is Sana answering for me, nobody knows.

"Oh, that's great, then. We can go on with the plans to have it in a month." Mina says with weird finality.

"And why would I be walking down the aisle if it's not my wedding?"

"Because you are my bestwoman?" Momo has that grin again, oh how I want to smack her.


"Me, wedding, you, bestwoman."

And that was my cue to freeze a little and absorb the information. I mean, I always thought Momo's sister would have that role, maybe Mina's brother. This is a bit overwhelming, I starting to panic a little.

"Wait, Momo is pregnant?" I blurt out without thinking too much.

"Thirteen minutes, pay up kids." Sana says with a satisfied smile while Mina and Momo pass her fifty thousand won, each.

"Why is it that everyone places bets on me behind my back? Nevermind that, Mo, get your ass in this couch and let me love you!"

She just shakes her head and sits beside me so I can hug her. I confess I'm not good at this cuddling other people thing, but I'm doing my best here, okay? Shut up.

"So, where's Nayeonnie?" Mina asks, after she is done sulking for losing the money.

"Blue House. JIhyo's parents took this 'becoming grandmas' thing way too well. Now they spoil her rotten and I have a real hard time trying to get her back in line everytime she goes there." Sana explains as she gets back to work.

"They must be doing a great job, then. I don't even want to think about my own parents when our little one is born." Momo lets out in a chuckle, still letting me cuddle her.

"So, Ji, I know you already do too much for us, and I haven't done much for yo-" Momo starts but I have to cut her out.

"Mo, you've done more than you could imagine. And it will be an honor to be your bestwoman. Never doubt how much you mean to me, you helped, really. You helped a lot."

"Mo, I'm sorry but I'll have to marry Jihyo now." Mina says and makes her way to sit on my other side.

And now they are squishing me while fighting about which one of them I'll marry again. That is, until Sana stops laughing and helps me, which may take a while, seeing she hasn't choked on air yet. I just wonder how long until Momo gets big enough so they won't be able to do this for a while. Right then, Sana chokes, but doesn't stop laughing, now it's just a whole mess.

Not long after Sana gives up on getting any work done, and the rest of the day goes by just like that. Mina and Momo decide to stay, since we are alone for the weekend and Mina is now on this overprotective mode where Momo's safety goes from her not being aloud to even change by herself to not even daring to drive at night. During the renovations they got their own room as well, I had mentioned to mom how they were always over and I should just give them their own room, seems like they remembered.

Another reason they now have the door code, that, and I couldn't be bothered to just keep up with their annoyance everytime they came over, that included, but was not restricted to, them going around the house and coming in through the bathroom window when I was in the middle of my business because they couldn't wait. After that I just gave them keys and we had a talk about limits. I don't think they understood, though.

"Are you sure it's not your kid?" Sana asks with a laugh while she is helping me get to bed.

"I a... I-" Great, not I can't even say it properly.

"Have I told you that you are really cute when you blush?" Ofcourse she had to make it worse.

"It's not my kid. It can't be mine." I'm sure I'm mumbling now.

"Why a- Wait, you are telling me you-"

"Yeah, that's what I'm trying to say." All I can do is bury my face on the pillow to avoid this.

"Come on, Jiji. You can't be this adorable and hide away from me."

"Can you just go get ready to bed?"

"Not before you look at me and speak properly."

"I can't. Just let me go."

"No, look at me and use your words."

I give up. She won't let it go, I should have known to just keep quiet.


"Oh my, you get more adorable everyday. Can we just get married right away so I can rest?"

"You can rest if you are tired, I can get a nurse or something.''

"That's not what I mean, Ji. But keep being adorably dense like that and I might just eat you up."

"I'm just saying, if you are tired, just rest for a while."

"I know, hun. Just get your cute butt to sleep now, I'll be right back."

What did she mean? Why is she walking away smiling like that? Am I really that dense? I don't think I am. Whatever, I'm too sleepy for this right now. There is a wedding to plan now. About that, how did Sana even know? I'll ask her tomorrow.

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