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Taking care of a newborn is, both, simpler and more difficult than one might think, couple that with an over-enthusiastic big sister who is still too young to be able to really help, and things tend to get out of hand fast. Nayeon has been over the moon with two new baby brothers (she claimed them as her little brothers and nobody is really trying to tell her one of them isn't).

Mina managed to convince Nayeon to only help with Felix when herself or Momo were around, or call them over if she wanted to hold him. Sana may or may not have had a 'conversation' with psycho-mom Mina and things had settled down, nobody will ever know what went on between them. All we know is that Mina was visibly shaken when they came out of the office.

With Chan, on the other hand, it's been a bit more difficult to control Yeonnie, Sana tries to let her participate under control, but I'm being too lenient and spoiling her too much. That's what Sana says, at least, it already earned me a week of sleeping on the couch, which never happened because my eldest is as stubborn as her mother and demanded that I slept with her instead.

I'm very happy with my family, though. Things are comfortable and I feel great, maybe for the first time in a long while. I can't remember when everything was this well, maybe things are starting to fall into place and will only get better. Mark has been very enthusiastic about everything as well, he says I might be heading to two sessions a month soon, and keeps saying he never thought Sana would be this great for me.

Both companies are doing great as well, director Son has been asking if we should merge them, but I don't really see the need for that right now, Sana is doing great with K-S Arts, and I don't see why JTJ should absorb them at all (director Son's idea, not mine). If, in the future, Nayeon or Cristopher decides they don't want to take over any of them, then we'll do something about it. But, a problem is only a problem when it presents itself, so we are staying as we are until further notice.

At the company, well, my own company, things are hectic, we got some big partnerships, and a lot of new projects, so work is plenty for everyone, and with Momo on maternity leave (I should be as well, but I can't just not work), her department had to get two interns to pick up the pace, she always worked for about three people. Sunmi tried to complain her way into me hiring her another assistant, but my argument of 'the COO should set the example of a hardworking leader' seemed to have shut down her and Chorong's campaign for new fast-hires.

Eunji was overjoyed, I later found she had placed the winning bet on how I would dismiss them. Seriously, what is it with people and betting of things? On me things, to be more specific. I should be getting some compensation for this, I'm the one getting them money after all. And they still haven't paid for the fish-bear fiasco yet, maybe I should work something out about that...

Our friends are also doing well, Joy is as excited as Yeonnie about the little ones, and we've been having a hard time delaying a playdate for her to meet them, it's not very safe for newborns to be around too many people at once (not to mention kids and their lack of care for personal hygiene and personal space). Seulgi and Irene have been talking about having their own kid lately, they say it's about time they give Joy a little one to care for as well, and neither Wendy nor Yeri are really considering another child. They say they won't be able to keep their lifestyle and their presence in their kids' lives is they do have another one. Can't say I disagree with them.

Jackson has been more than we could have hoped for, I know he is Nayeon and Joy's teacher, but he has been helping a lot on having them understand that, when someone says they must do something near a baby, they should listen because it's for the baby's safety. And I can't thank him enough for the progress he made with Yeonnie, he managed to get her to understand why we don't let her do some things.

Oh, speaking of Jackson, Nayeon's birthday party was interesting, him and dr Tuan were rather.... Invested? No, that's not it. Adamant? Close, but still doesn't say what I want. Oh! Entranced about each other. Something along these lines. It was cute to see them, I mean, I'm dense as a rock, and I was able to see they were just playing tag the entire time, just roaming around each other. Sana said they were trying to sneak some hand holding at some point at the night.

"How long are you going to stay out here smiling to yourself like the crazy cat lady you are?"

"Sana, I love you, but call me cat lady again and I will not hesitate to jump you."

"Oh, alright, should I say crazy dwarf?"

"You have five seconds."

"Like you can catch up."

"You forget I'm the fastest in this family.... Aaand your weird run."

"I don't have a weird run!"

"Whatever you have to tell yourself."

"Don't you walk away from me!"

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