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Sana looks better today, it's a good thing. And Yeonnie will be discharged soon, so why am I not relieved yet? I have been feeling this uneasiness bubbling up in the back of my mind ever since I met Jihyo, it's silly, I know, but I feel like I should be doing so much more for her, for everything she did so much for our family and seems to never notice it.

Chae has always been successful with her business, but it did grow a lot after JTJ, Sana had been struggling to fit into the company and Jihyo guided her through her doubts in a way not me nor that old cub ever could. Not to mention Nayeon, she couldn't stop talking about the nice unnie that her mom likes.

What gets me thinking on how Jeong and Tzu must have been dragged through hell and back, hearing how that kid was treated all her life. I was rendered useless because my granddaughter broke her leg. I can't grasp how they managed when their kid was repeatedly broken, I know that Yoda went out for blood everytime it happened, but that old ostrich has always been the hopeless sentimental, it surprises me that she never just lost it.

"Doctor Tuan, I'm glad you could come." Sana greets and brings me out of my thoughts.

"Sana, it's nothing. I heard the news, we should talk later."

"We will, doctor. But it's not why I asked you to come."

"I'll help as I can. But you can call me Mark." He answers, closing the door and taking a seat.

"Does Jihyo still call you doctor?"

"You know she does."

"Then it's doc for me too." His face scrunches up so comically that even I can't stifle a laugh.

"Mark, we called you because the Chous seem to be doing really well with you, and I think we need help too." Chae begins, she just wants to get it out before she gives up.

"Oh, they are doing well, indeed. But it wasn't an easy process, and it took a while to get Jihyo to agree with some things."

"What do you mean." I really don't understand what he might be saying.

"Let me explain a bit better. You see, when I got Jihyo, it took me almost three years to get her talking freely, another four to get her to agree on her family helping her out. At the beginning, she was very opposed to letting her mothers in, and revealing anything at all to them, it took a dislocated shoulder and three broken ribs for her to understand that she needed their help and she was not protecting them by shutting them out."

"So you report to them about her sessions?" Dubs asks what we are both thinking.

"Yes and no. I report to them when things get too much for Jihyo to handle alone, or when they seem dangerous and I know she is not understanding that."

"And how can you tell if she is in danger or whatnot?" This is why I married that woman, she always asks what we are both wondering.

"You noticed she is a incredibly kind soul, yes? Well, sometimes she describes things that should rise some alerts, but they don't for her. Like someone from another company snooping through her office, or when she notices someone new suddenly taking the same route as her everyday. She would see it as normal occurrences, or just believe whatever excuse she is given, so I ask her mothers to look at it, or talk to her about it."

"Oh, that makes a lot of sense. But I'm afraid we need some intense treatment, my wife and I are not ready for these things." I finally decide to chip in.

"Don't think the Chous had it easy, but I understand where you are coming from. We can schedule weekly meetings for the family, and single sessions for each of you. This is my card, send me an email with your available times and I will get everything set. Sana, could we go have some coffee?" Mark says as he stands up and hands each of us one of his cards.

They leave, and I can breathe a little more freely. This whole thing hit me harder than I thought it would. Good thing Nayeon was out on her physical therapy session, I don't think it would do any good for her to see us like this. All I can do right now is rely on Mark to help us all. For now, I'll just snuggle up to this old tiger I call my wife and wait to see how everything goes.

+ + +

It's been two months now, Nayeon got way better, and can stand on her own and walk around, she was told not to run, though. Chaeng and I decided to kick Sana out once we learned she finally confessed and proposed all at once. Don't be mad at us, it was Jeong's idea, and that giant wife of hers was even the one to decorate Nayeon's new room.

Chae and I jumped her for it, and we got to move her in, she is still our grandchild and I'm not having that idiot couple just sneak her from us like this. But today is not about that, Jihyo is getting out of the hospital and Mina has been batalling Sana for weeks now, on who would take care of the bedridden girl.

I can't say I envy Jihyo, but I do want to know how she is able to handle those three. She seems to have settled their dispute in two sentences, and none of them is willing to tell anyone what she said. All in all, looks like too many people have gathered in Jihyo's house and decided to throw the "Baby Jiji got out of the hospital" party, don't ask how things escalated this much.

Right on cue, Jeong opens the door and Yoda comes in pushing their kid's wheelchair in, she looks sickly white, and lost a lot of weight, her chubby cheeks gone, and her smile is not as big as before, although it's just as bright. The bright shine on her eyes and the warm smile on her lips is so sincere it assures us all, despite how she may look.

The celebrations went on, at some point, Sana slipped away with Jihyo, my guess is that she got her to bed, the kid needs some rest after all. Nayeon seems to have surrendered for the evening as well, Chaeng found her sleeping on the couch with Joy and we just carried them upstairs and tucked them in.

The party died down around ten, Wendy and Yeri were the last ones out, having had some trouble to get Joy out of bed. Now it's just the old ladys, even Mina and Momo went home this time, which took us all by surprise, as they were the second ones out, only losing for Chorong who had to run to the company.

"So, how is she?" Tzuyu asks, as she was the first one to see Sana come down.

"She is sleeping, tired from today. I just helped her get cleaned up, into her pajamas and put her to bed." Sana says, finishing with a light huff as she seats down.

"Hungry? I noticed you didn't eat before you went up." Tzuyu says, getting up to cook her something after she received a nod.

"Did you tell her yet?" Chae brings the topic up.

"Not yet, ma. She was so tired that it was hard enough to get her ready to sleep."

"Sweetie, I know this was all our crazy idea, but you can always move back in if you thinks it's not the time." She gives me a smile in return.

"Thank you, ma'am. No mom, I don't want to move back. We are to get married, and I want to take care of her." She answers as she gets the food from Tzu and starts digging in.

"Why are you still so formal? I'm mommy Tzu and she is mom Jeong, now." This ridiculous oldie is just too much.

"Thanks, mommy Tzu. It's delicious." And now they got my kid too.

"No need to be jealous, Dubs. You can have Jiji call Dubby Granny if you want."

"Chou Jeongyeon, I swear that I will murder you next time you call me that again."

At that, the rest of these rascals can't hold their laughter much longer. The night goes on with pleasant and light conversations, Sana excuses herself not much later, and we all go back to our cuddling our wifes and talking the night away, with the best hot chocolate I have ever had, not that I ever intend to tell Yoda that, but it's really good.

This is shaping up to be a family setting I can get used to. Let's see how it will go from here. Can't wait for more grandkids.

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