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It's been a while since I've seen Momo, their month long honeymoon turned out to be longer than I expected, who knew a month would go by so slowly. We are set out to pick them up on the airport, Sana, Nayeon and I, that is. I'm doing much better, and can stand up for longer now, my knees don't hurt anymore, save from when I push it too far, but that's just a detail.

"Yeonnie, get off the luggage cart and sit down, please?" Sana went out to get us food and make some calls, and now I'm having trouble settling our daughter down.

"HyoHyo, I'm hungry."

"Me too, sweetie. Sacchan will be back soon, okay?"


"Now come and sit down with me, let's play a game."


Not longer after we start playing on the tablet I got her, that Sana may have mentioned something about me not being allowed to get it before christmas, and I may have conveniently said I bought it for myself but it's still with Nayeon all the time, Sana gets back with some food and a sly smile on her lips.

"So, your tablet, huh?!" Oh, she knows already.


"Did you really think I wouldn't know, Ji? I know everything about the two of you."

"That is slightly disturbing."

"Just a reminder, hun. But their flight should be landing soon, I already checked the gate, we should be heading there."

"Sure thing, let's just finish eating first."

And sure enough, we had merely minutes to spare when we arrived at their gate. Seeing them from afar, both look slightly more plump then when they left, and Momo has this cute little bump starting to show. They look slightly more tanned as well, guess the vacation was needed for both. Mina spots us as soon as she turns towards the exit, and drags Momo in a very weird speed walk, it looks like she isn't letting Momo do anything already.

"Mo, look, our baby Jiji is walking!" Mina screams.... For her it's a scream.

"Mina, Momo, we've missed you two." Sana says, hugging Momo with Nayeon, as she lets Mina almost crush me.

"Can we go eat first?"

"Sure we can, Mo." Sana declares as she drags Momo out with Nayeon.

We went to another one of mommy's restaurants, this one was japanese cuisine, surprisingly, Mina ate as much as Momo this time around. Then we just dropped them at their apartment and went back home for movie night. That meant Nayeon trying to convince us to let her watch a horror film and being denied by Sana, last time I let her, she slept with us for a week.

I was excited to sleep the morning away, it's saturday after all, obviously, my plans went down the drain with those two back in town. And I'm being rudely awoken by four idiots jumping on the bed where I was supposed to be sleeping. Why Sana even allowed them in, is beyond me, at least they had the decency to leave a good space between us, otherwise I would be flipping at them for endangering my knees.

"Okay, who is going to be the one responsible for this?"

At my question, Mina and Momo freeze, but Sana takes Yeonnie and swiftly slips away only noticed by me. After the fish-bear she seems to have learned how to fire up the madness. None of us is going to tell our two favorite idiots this is all a big act, though. It's fun seeing them lost for words.

"I- We- It was Sana's idea!" Momo sattamers.

"I don't see her around here, though." Oh, this is definitely fun.

"We ahmm..." Mina is stammering, this really IS fun.

"HyoHyo, eat!" Nayeon breaks the joke just like that.

"Let's go, sweetie. What did mama make?"

"Mama told me to call you."

"Then let's go make some food. Will you help me?"

"Yay!" And that was the answer I needed.

At the door, I remember to turn around and take a look a those fools, they are looking at us in utter disbelief. Don't know why, exactly, but I'm having a blast, they are really funny looking right now.

"Well, move your asses, I don't want the two of you on my bed alone, you have your own room and I know you."

"Excuse you, we do not know what you are implying, little lady!"

"I know I'm short, now follow me or be without breakfast."

At that, they scramble towards us and start cooing me about me being fun sized and that I'm supposedly adorable like this and whatnot, until we get to the kitchen, that is, Sana is sitting on the counter reading something on her phone and shuts it off as soon as we enter.

"Sacchan, they are delaying breakfast."

"You two get off my wife and stick those pasty butts on these stools if you want to eat today." So I'm on the wife rank now, not that I mind, but it kind of makes sense.

"First off, fiancèe." Momo says as she sits down.

"Second, baby Jiji is ours, so you will go play with Yeonnie and let us pamper our girl as we want to." Mina finishes, sitting on Sana's other side.

"I just hope your child won't resent my wife because of this thing you have."

"Like she won't be the one to spoil him rotten." Momo replies.

"Wait, it's a him? When did you find out?" Sana asks too excited.

"This morning. We had an appointment just before we came." Mina says with the happiest and most proud smile I've ever seen on her face, Momo mirroring it on the other side.

"You hear that, Yeonnie. You are going to have a new baby brother." Sana tells Nayeon, who is smiling excitedly but not forgetting to mix the pancake batter I gave her.

Nayeon is getting really good at cooking, well, at helping, she can mix about everything correctly, and mommy taught her how to bake cakes, with an adult, as she obediently complied. She is a great kid, and learns really fast, sometimes way too fast, really.

"So you are already claiming our child?" Momo mocks.

"Well, you two practically live here anyways, why not just move in already?" I chime in.

"Now that would be interesting." Sana agrees.

"What?" Sometimes these two are too in synch, it's freaky.

"I swear this synchronized reactions you two have, sometimes, gives me the chills." Sana remarks before I get the chance.

"You and Momo are worse, don't give me that. I don't know how you do it, but you two synchronize without even noticing, and THAT freaks everyone out." Mina argues, and I must say, she is right.

On cue, the two look at me with the exact same questioning gaze, with the same timing and angles. The cold shiver that runs down my back has me taking a step back to balance myself, and I can see on Mina and Nayeon's faces that I'm not the only one having this reaction.

"Definitely creepy." I conclude, turning back to what I was doing, otherwise this breakfast won't be done until lunch.

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