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I must have been really drunk last night, because I got home and slept the day away, until I heard my phone buzzing and forced myself to answer it. The caller ID says it's Momo, which makes me a bit confused, since we saw each other this morning.

"Hello?" I sigh, a bit sad to be awake.


"Ms. Hirai, would you, please, not be so loud?"

"Come on, Jihyo. Not like you are the most soft spoken as well."

"Ugh, don't remind me. But what do I owe the pleasure?"

"You know I have a girlfriend, right? We can't be together, I'm afraid." And she bursts out laughing after that.

"I'm sorry to say, but I'm not ready for a relationship right now, Ms. Hirai."

"Wait, you are dumping me? You are saying you are not interested in THE Hirai Momo?"

"I'm hanging up."

"WAIT! I haven't said why I called yet."

"Get on with it or I'm hangin up and cutting you off until monday."

"Cold. Anyways, I called because we are thinking of getting together and stuffing our faces today. You in?"

"Sure, should I bring anything?"

"No need, we are going to Irene's and decide what to get when we are al together."

"Sure, I'll come. Just send me the address. What time?"

"Okay. Mina and I can pick you up, if you want."

"I don't want to be third wheeling you two."

"You wouldn't. We are past that stage anyways. So, pick you up at six? Six thirty?"

"Six thirty sounds great. But you picking me up is not just so I won't bail, right?"

"Nooooo... I'm just being the gentlewoman I am."

"Okay, I'll hang up now."

Without listening to whatever else she would come up with, I just hang up and run to the shower. It's already five, and I'm definitely late already. Going to two peoples homes in a single day is most certainly something I would have never expected, especially when I don't even know these people that well.

With much worry, a heavy heart and my best efforts to look my best, I finish getting ready at six twenty. With ten minutes to spare, I just decide to look at my wine fridge and get three bottles, since I don't know very well how many people will be attending.

I always wondered why my parents insisted in giving me this petulant wine fridge, but I guess it came in handy. Specially since they are always visiting and bringing new ones they find on their travels. I think I should give them a call tomorrow to talk about this, they would like to know I made friends.

My phone starts ringing while I'm reminiscing, it should be Momo telling me she's here.

"If you and Mina get married, would you be a Myoui, or would she be a Hirai?"

"Oh, she is definitely going to be a Myoui. There are no arguments in the matter."

"Hey, Mina. I wasn't expecting you to be the one calling."

"The idiot is trying to find which house is yours, since she forgot the number."

"It's the one with the tiles, number 21, let me open the gate so you guys can park inside."

"You mean the suspiciously big one all lit up, with the yellow gates?"

"That one. Just drive up and park inside. I'm opening the gates now."

Sure enough, just as I get to the front door and open the gates they drive up. As soon as Momo parks both get out of the car with rather fascinated looks on their faces. I just smile, as they look to be coming up with absurd theories about my place, even though they haven't said anything yet.

"So, are you two just going to stand there and stare at the house, or are we going to Irene's?"

"Oh, right, Irene. Hop in, let me get that bag for you."

Mina says and proceeds to help me with the bags of wine, but she is still looking at the house, and her daze makes her smash her thumb on the car door when she closes it for me.

Momo panics a little about it, I just get a cold compress in my bag and hand it to her so she can, at least, alleviate the pain a little bit. What earns me a confused look.

"No need to look at me like that, I was going to the gym today, so I changed from purse to bag, but ended up sleeping the whole day. I have a spray here as well, if you want to try."

"Oh, this is okay, thanks. But are you that clumsy, to take all these with you to the gym?"

"No, not clumsy at all. I just tend to push myself too much, so I end up sore most of the time."

"So Ms. Park, when were you intending to show off that body of yours?" Momo asks and smirks at me from the rearview mirror.

"Not happening, Hirai." I can see her pouting at that. "And, should I tell Mina about you wanting said body?"

Mina laughs and joins in the teasing.

"Is what I hear true, Momo? Are you going to betray me like this?"

"Hey, you are just mad because I got a move on her before you could."

"Sorry, guys, but I don't do couples." I said and both of them start laughing so much they tear up, and don't stop until they are coughing because they choke on their own saliva.

Momo, then, parks in front of a house and gets off. I suppose we are here, since Mina also starts getting off and turns to me to get one of my bags. By the time we reach the door, I start to think I should have brought more wine, by the number of voices I hear inside, and there is a kid laughing? Oh, well, let's make more friends, I guess.

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