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This week was hard to be let off, so much that I didn't. Jin will come over on wednesday to retrieve the paperwork I'm bringing over and drop some more. And I'll have to go out on friday for a press conference in the morning, I'll likely go in the middle of the night to be there on time. The joys of being president, I guess.

At least I get to spend time with my little fuzzy, bubbly, dorky, tiny princess. Tzu would probably kill me by the description I just thought about, but she thinks the same, just pretends not to when HyoHyo whines about being a grown up already. It's adorable, trust me, not that I would ever be able to say that and go unharmed... Mostly by Tzuyu, I swear that woman forgets I must appear in front of the nation, and I can't be seen with hickeys all over my neck.

Back to Jihyo, she's been happier lately, especially after she began hanging out with the couple of weirdos. Don't get this wrong, I really like those kids, but they are weird. Dubs kid is really like her when it's about people she likes, I see she has already got a soft spot for our Jiji, but Sana doesn't deny her origins, Chae's cautioness shows through, although the shyness seems to not have been passed on at all.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

"Come here, hun. Cuddle this sexy body you love so much."

"Not that much. I'm just going to sit here a fair distance from your disgusting ass."

"Is that how you talk to the president?"

"No, that's how I talk to my idiot wife." Saying that, she pulls me into a hug. I can just smile and scoot over, this woman never changes.

"How are we married for so long? You are terrible."

"That, my dear, is because you can't live without this hot body, and my lovely personality."

"Whatever makes you sleep better at night."

"So, are you going to tell me what you were thinking?"

"What I'm always thinking. Jihyo."

"What about her?"

"She seems happier lately."

"She has been. Momo is to thank for that."

"I know. And Dr Tuan said we don't have to worry about them at all."

"But you can't help but consider the what ifs." Not a question, I know she is worrying as well.

"Neither can you. But I'm glad it's those two, and Dubs' kid seems to like her too."

"I really did hope she didn't get this from you, but looks like I had no luck."

"What now?"

"You are so dense it's cute. But it's infuriating nonetheless."

"If you could actually say what you mean, it would be great."

"Huh, I love you, but you are dumb as a door about some things."

"Are we swearing at each other, now?!" This is getting frustrating.

"No at all." She looks around. "Sana is having a thing for our Jihyo."

"A thing?"

"She has romantic feelings for our daughter?"

"OH!" She shushes me. "So she wants Jiji to be her girlfriend type of thing?"

"Yeah, that. And no, you can't go and tell anyone that." She sighs as she tries to stop me before I even make a move.

"Fine. But why am I just hearing about this now?"

"Because, love, you are slow on these. And I swear our daughter is even slower than you, if that's possible."

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