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Accidents happen, luckily, Nayeon came out of it with only a broken leg, not so luckily, Jihyo was pretty beat up. I'm not saying Nayeon's leg is going to be fine after a week in a cast, quite the contrary, she went under two repair surgeries, but is recovering more than well, right now. Jihyo managed to shield her quite well. And, for that, I owe her my life, now.

Jihyo, on the other hand, got her knees badly damaged, as the car went over their legs, and got a severe concussion from when she hugged Nayeon and took the fall. Also, she had a really bad cut on her head, and a nasty bruise where her chipped rib is. Doctors say she is stable, but haven't got her to wake up yet.

Obviously, it made the news, Jeongyeon was desolate and Tzuyu was furious, still is, but managed to control herself and get Jeong to make the public announcement regarding the first daughter getting involved in a car crash. After the formalities, Tzu went out on a blood hunt, and the guy, along with everyone involved, don't seem to have much of a future ahead of them. Jeong is just being the big ball of mush she is and hasn't left her daughter's room since.

Headlines everywhere read 'President's daughter on a horrific accident! Who would attack the first family?' or anything like that. Journalists were swarming like a cackle of hyenas, everywhere we looked. Good thing Jihyo is not much of a public figure, so she went under the radar when transfered.

It's been two weeks now, and things have calmed down. At least, to the public eye, within our, now, big family, everything is still in turmoil. Jeong and Tzu are a mess, but haven't functioned since they got the call, the image of bloody Jihyo on a stretcher didn't help either. Even Dub and I were beyond frightened when we saw it.

Momo can't stop blaming herself for not helping, saying she was just right there and still didn't do anything. Mina is devastated, but trying her best to keep her girlfriend from going further down her spiral of bad thoughts. Mark has been working with them daily, it's starting to take some effect. Dubs is worried, obviously, but she is more focused on helping out with Nayeon, Sana....

Seeing my daughter like this, I admit I can't begin to imagine how Jeongyeon and Tzuyu pulled through with Jihyo. Sana has been broken since that day, she saw everything happening in front of her eyes, and got devastated by everything. She isn't unresponsive, but she is completely lifeless, trying to put on a strong face for Nayeon, but her eyes betray her. The woman she fell deeply in love with, the one she was intending on spending the rest of her life with, is badly injured for saving her daughter.

There is no way I would understand how that feels. I can't picture myself on her place, two people you love unconditionally about to be hit by a car, one takes the damage to save the other, and you couldn't even convey your feelings yet. She was set on getting to be with Jihyo slowly, her mothers talked to us about it and asked for a lot of patience and persistence. Sana was willing, she had already asked for Jihyo's hand. Only to have her almost die in front of her, if the image of her arriving at the hospital got Dahyun and I shaken, I don't want to think of how terrifying it must have been to witness it all.

Doctors said they would try and wake her up tomorrow, seemingly, she should be able to get over the pain on medications by now. Her knees were severely damaged, the right one was more damaged, but both in very bad shape, so she was put under until she would be able to cope. All we can do is hope for her to be well.

I met Jihyo a few years ago, she seems like she doesn't remember, but we met on the first time she went to my company. I remember this meek little girl, afraid to interact with the receptionist and tell her she had an appointment. Chorong had to take the reigns and take care of things, I thought she was a new employee or something, and even had some second thoughts about working with JTJ.

They weren't anything back then, Jihyo had managed her very first success, and I never thought they could even afford us. I sat the meeting anyways, even though I asked the welcoming team to take charge, as they do everytime we start negotiating with new companies. And I must confess, once Jihyo began speaking, I was impressed, and agreed with the partnership that came to prove itself to be one of the best ones the company has ever had.

I can't understand how half my team is head over heels for her and the other half is fangirling, to me she is just this adorable little ball of rainbow cotton candy that I must squeeze with all the love I can muster. But, maybe it's my old lady senses, not that I would ever admit to being an old lady, especially in front of Tzuyu.

But, after a while working with them, I found out that it was not only something from my team. The JTJ people are just the same, talking to Chorong I found out that they have a real rule where nobody can make a move on Jihyo, save if Jihyo initiates it herself, and they had to fire quite a few people because they got mad and started acting up once she never returned their advances. I guess Sana's competition was always fierce.

"Ma, you should take mom home and have some rest."

"Sana, we came so YOU could go and rest a bit."

"You know I can't."

"Sweetie, you must try. Go home, take a shower and try to sleep a little. They are going to wake her up tomorrow." I move for her to sit on my lap, seeing her like this breaks my heart a little more everyday.

"I know, but I can't seem to rest."

"Tell you what, I'll take you home and make sure you are showered, fed and tucked in, how about that?"

"Weren't you supposed to be, I don't know, here?!" She chuckles, it's nice to see a little humour is still there.

"Dubs will stay. C'mon, let me take my cute little squirrel home and take care of her."

She just laughs a little and allows me to drag her. I have her bid goodbye to Nayeon and Dubs, promising to come back soon, and take her home. She manages to fight to stay awake the entire way back. Seeing her this drained leaves a pang in my heart that won't leave until all this is over. For fear she would be way too tired, I make sure to accompany her throughout her shower and make her eat her dinner before tucking her in for the night and telling our headmaid to keep an eye on her, promising to come back early in the morning to check up on her.

Right now, I can only hope for Jihyo to be alright and that nothing goes wrong when she is woken up tomorrow. I don't even want to think what will happen if anything, at all, goes wrong.

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