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"So, was the talk with Dr Tuan as bad as you thought it would be, Mina?" I chuckle, as she was extremely moody about all this the whole week.

"You know, it was far more interesting than I would have thought." She answers with an amused smile.

"How about you, Mo?"

"It was great to talk to him. Now I won't feel as worried when you go to your sessions."

"Wait, you got worried? Everytime? Mo, you are just adorable, you know that?!" Mina coos and pinches her cheeks.

I can only laugh at these two, they are just too cute. But I have to talk limits during driving to them, as Mina is trying to pinch my cheeks, with Momo trying to get her to settle down. Being free for the rest of the day, I'm taking them out for dinner, not that they know, but Mommy said to drop by with them whenever we have the chance, so why not today?!

"Why are we stopping here?" Mina asks, finally, noticing we are not close to any of our homes.

"I thought of taking you to out for dinner. We are free anyways."

"But I wanted to make dinner for us." Momo says as she pouts a bit.

"Mo, I love you, but there was no way I was letting you cook, hun." Mina chuckles as she gets out of the car.

"Come on, I'm hungry." I urge them, Mommy has already messaged me to hurry.

"Good evening, ma'am. Please follow me." The hostess greets and motions for us to follow.

"Okay, this was weird. Ji, are you sure you should be spending money on us in this kind of restaurant? We can just cook at home." Mina sounds a bit unsure.

"Mitang, just relax, okay? I'm sure about this."

They just follow to the Chef's table. Not questioning our being here again. I do hear them murmur, though, and try hard to stifle my laugh, seeing they don't know where we are yet.

"If you need anything, please, do call." The hostess says, sitting us down.

"We will, thank you. Is she here?"

"She is, ma'am. I was asked to inform her as soon as you arrive." She answers, excusing herself.

"Baby Jiji, who is this 'she' you are talking about? How dare you cheat on us?" Mina deapans.

"If anything, I would be cheating on her with you. Don't worry, Mitang." I laugh.

"Ji, I don't think it is wise to tease Mina like this. You know how possessive she gets." Momo whispers, while Mina is busy having some water.

"Don't worry, Mo. You guys are in for a treat." I answer as low as I can.

"And why is it that you didn't call me saying you arrived, young lady?" Mommy demands, as soon as she arrives at the table, surprising the two.

"Mommy, you know I was the one driving. We don't want accidents, do we?!"

"But you could have called as soon as you arrived. And you... Oh, hey, kids!"

"Mrs Chou, it has been a while." Momo says as she gets up to hug Mommy.

"Jihyo never told us where we were." Mina follows.

"It's no problem, kids. Now, let Mommy Tzu feed you properly. I always tell Jihyo she hasn't been eating enough, she looks too skinny."

"Mommy!" I whine. I don't like when she starts talking about these things.

"Chou Jihyo, I'm talking to your friends. Be a good girl and just sit there."

They proceed to laugh and talk for a while, then Mommy goes on to prepare our dinner. Everything goes pretty well, but Mommy comes back and, don't ask me how, they set a trip to our house on the mountains. It is to happen sometime next month, but I'm guessing they settled it for the holiday.

# # #

Everybody knew this trip would be planned by yours truly, but I never expected it would be this hard to pull it off. I mean, there are two projects happening, Sana has been unrelenting about absorbing as much as she can about everything, since director Son has given her an ultimatum about taking over the creative process.

Can't say I understand the pressure, but she looks more stressed by the day, guess the getaway came at the right time. On the other hand, Mina and Momo are over-excited, Momo is distracted by work, as we are preparing our summer releases, but Mina went berserk, she is uncontrollable and exhausting both Momo and I. Good thing we got to convince Sana to stay on my place with Nayeon so we could drain Mina a little.

All in all, I'm functioning on autopilot, the tiredness has caught up and I don't think I'll be functioning today. Thankfully, mom suggested we rent a van so everybody goes together. And that means I get to try and sleep the whole two hours we'll take to get there. That also means, Mina will likely be hyper with Nayeon the entire time and tire everyone else out.

They are here! By here I mean Momo and Mina's, they had made me stay last night, so we could leave together. I just messaged mom and she said she would pick us up, then head to the Sons. I must say, I'm too tired to argue with Mina, so I just went with it. She's been way too hyper about taking a week off, and last night Momo just locked her out of the room for us to be able to sleep.

Getting to the Sons was a relief to all of us, mommy was about to yell for Mina to settle down, who doesn't know her, would think she is just excited, but we know better. Sana was looking really nice, but director Son and her wife were adorable, with their hats and short shorts, and huge basket with junk food, holding little Nayeon's hand and swinging her back and forth.

Okay, get a hold of yourself, woman. Those two are grandmothers and you can't be drooling over them like that, and do not. I repeat, do NOT pinch their cheeks when you go greet them. No! Don't do that!

"Good morning, director Son, Mrs Son." They give me a double hug and I did it....

I pinched their cheeks. What do I do?! They are sure I'm weird now, I should have stayed in the van and pretend to be asleep. Okay, I'm panicking now, I have to apologise. They must- They are laughing? What?

"I told you we still had it!" Mrs Son blurts out.

"You sure did, Dubs. I didn't think Jihyo would be the one to do it, though. Maybe Yoda?" Director Son manages between laughs.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." I mumble, too embarrassed about what I just did.

"What are you two maniacs laughing about?" Mom questions as she approaches.

"This one really is your child!" Mrs Son says and gets back to laughing hysterically.

"Okay, what happened?" Mom turns to me, this time.

"Ithoughttheywerecuteandcouldn'thelpbutpinchtheircheeks." I blurt out on one breath, still looking down. And I'm certain my face is beyond red right now.

"OH MY, HUN! GET OVER HERE! YOU OWE ME TWENTY BUCKS!" Mom screams to mommy, who seems to be very displeased with losing whatever bet they just made.

"You two never change." Mrs Son adds.

"Why change something that's already perfect?" Mommy says as she hands off the twenty.

"You two were betting on me about what, this time?" They gulp and begin trying to laugh it off.

"Could we head out now? Momo and I can't hold those two anymore." Saved by Sana, we all head to the car so we can get going.

The trip was noisy, as one could have guessed, with the rest being filled in on my slip up. Mina and Momo couldn't contain themselves and asked if they could do it too, Sana was whining about being embarrassed, and Nayeon just wanted to be pampered along with her grandmas.

I just put my headphones on and hoped to get some sleep on the way there. This crowd is already too much into the vacation spirit, and I'm spent with the vacation planning. Why do I let moms do that to me? Nobody knows. Let's just enjoy.

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