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First day of our new project! We are done with the initial meetings, settled the schedules, and I got two desks free for Director Son and her daughter. They requested to work with us personally, and we completely agreed, I mean, it's usually better to experience things rather than rearing it from others.

I told them to arrive around eight, but my anxious self got me here at six, so, now, I have Eunji nagging me to look more like a company owner than an intern until seven thirty, when we are all going to start getting ready for the day.

Thankfully, Momo arrives around seven, and I get an excuse to get away from the, already hour-long, lecture on 'how I should get dressed better and have a wardrobe change immediately'. This has been going on since the beginning, Eunji was on the first ones to start working with me, but that is a story for another time.

"Eunji, could you, please, check with the front desk if they are all set for our guests?"

"Fine, but this is not over. I'm taking you shopping and it's not negotiable."

She huffs while leaving to make sure everything is set. I go over to Momo, and gather all my courage to go on with my plan.

"Mo, good morning."

"Good morning my little chocolate pie." And she hugs me before I have time to process what dessert she called me this time.

"Mo, listen, remember I promised to have you guys over when we went to Irene's?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"I was thinking, how about this weekend?"

"Really? But when, during the weekend?"

"Maybe saturday? A afternoon pool party and a game night after?"

"Wait, you have a pool?"

"Yes. Oh, and you and Mina can come tomorrow after work, if you want to. I would love to have you two over for the whole weekend."

"Bold of you to assume we would wait until saturday to come over." She says with the best smug look she could muster.

It's cute that she thinks she is looking sassy right now.... She isn't. But the scene makes me chuckle.

"Sure, sure. Now, will you tell the others? Please?"

"I will. But at lunch, right now we should focus on the Sons and getting them up to speed with everything."

"Thanks, Mo. Now let me go and fix my table a little bit?"

"But your table is impeccable, as always." She mocks, gesturing towards my office, of which the existence I question sometimes.

I just get out of her hold, and soon enough the Sons arrive. I offer Director Son my office, since it's, basically, useless, and she is a director, c'mon. But she declines and they settle on the workstations we provide for them.

Both get used to our way of working rather quickly, and I question if they, really, have never worked with us like this before. Director Son is brilliant, no wonder she brought K-S to where they are today, Ms Sana doesn't fall short either, she has her mother's talent, but seems to be lacking a bit here and there. All to be expected from a rookie, nothing that would really get in the way.

By the time we finish introductions and preparations, they needed some things we don't really use here, so it took us some time to find everything on our storage, it's already lunch time. As we always do, everybody that works together goes to lunch together, so the entire floor heads out to our cafeteria.

As the owner, along with Eunji and Chorong, we get lunch with all teams (I insist), so, each day we go out at different times, to different places, making sure to eat with everyone at some point. It's not really needed, but I like to listen to my employees and assure them I'm approachable whenever they feel like they need to come to me. And when I say everyone, I mean everyone, from the cleaning team to the head administrators.

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