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These last two days have been too hard. I know there wasn't much of a choice, and it is my own fault for not listening to Sana, but cutting my hair has proved to be one of the most dubious choices I've made in my life. Moms haven't stop bickering with the Sons about who would get to cuddle me through the night, Mina and Momo had snatched me from under their noses, refusing to hand me over no matter what, and Nayeon and Sana haven't given me room to breathe whatsoever.

I'm really grateful for all the love they are giving me, but I would love to be able to go to the bathroom by myself (which is not happening at all), and don't get me started with showering. I had to proclaim Nayeon would be the only one to be allowed to go in with me and threaten to go back home to get them to stop.

The good thing is, we are going back home today, and I'm taking two days off so I can have time to myself with none BUT myself. This high energy and hyperness is tiring me out. Also, time to go down to the park to run away from moms' packing madness, of course I'm taking Nayeon and saying we are out to have some last minute fun. It's wrong, but not the real reason I'm bolting right now.

You see, moms tend to, pretty much, install themselves completely when they arrive anywhere, so, once the time to go back home comes, they have spread through the entire place and end up getting anyone and everyone around them to freak out about it. Thankfully, Jin taught me to flee for my sanity from a very young age.

SO! To the park it is!

"Yeonnie, wanna go to the park with unnie?"

"HyoHyo! Two the pwak!"

"Sana, want to come with us? We are going for a last minute play time."

"Well, I don't really have anything else to do, so let's go!"

And that's how we ended up running around and rolling on the grass... Until Mina and Momo joined us looking like zombies, I could just laugh as they start complaining that they were left for dead at the house and we should have dragged them out when they said they wanted to sleep more.

"Tell you what, I'll treat us all to some ice cream. Will you two feel better?" I try to appease them.

"I love you, Ji!" Momo jumps up and hugs me.

"Great, because you are coming to help me."

"HyoHyo! Yeonnie go two?!" Nayeon grabs the hem of my shirt as I try to leave.

"Is it okay, Sana?"

"Sure, just don't let her convince you she can eat the biggest one. The small is enough." Sana laughs and goes back to her conversation with a very grumpy Mina.

The ice cream stand was really close, and a decent distance from the street, so one can imagine my surprise when everything went down. I told Momo to look after Nayeon fighting the squirrel (don't ask) while I ordered and paid, then went to stand next to her while we wait, when we hear people screaming and very loud horns.

I look back and see a black blotch heading towards us, more specifically, towards Nayeon. I don't know how, but next thing I know is Nayeon screaming in pain. I'm relieved to see she is alive, but try to focus and see what is going on. Seems like it's not as bad as it could have been.

Nayeon's leg is broken, the bone is poking out, Momo is shaken but hasn't been harmed, we are too close to the car, I should try and move further away. Huh? I can't move? Sana and Mina are running over, maybe they can tell me why I can't move?

"Mina, call the ambulance! NOW!" Sana shouts as she approaches.

"Nayeon, sweetie, it's going to be okay. You are okay." She hushes, trying to comfort her daughter.

"Mo? Momo?! HIRAI MOMO!" Mina screams at her girlfriend, who seems to snap out of a trance and hugs her, crying.

Oh, good. Everybody has assistance, now. I can close my eyes a little, I'm really sleepy, and I can't move anyways. I'll just close my eyes for a little. They are okay now.

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