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"Sana, you have to stop crying and go get ready."

"I don't want her to go, Ji. How can you be so calm about this?"

"She has been through worse."

"You heartless monster, how can you just send your daughter away like this?"

"Chou Sana, we are just taking our daughter to her new school. She is not joining the army and we have been here for half an hour already."

The only times I can really call her by that are when we are alone, she doesn't want it to be out yet, so we are just waiting for her to be ready. The good thing is, I had the mind to set the alarm for earlier, the bad thing is, Sana has been freaking out since we woke up. So I'm just gonna leave her here and go fix breakfast, otherwise we'll be on this all day long, I called director Son last night, and she told me it was normal, Sana would freak out the whole week, so I should just ignore and do what needs to be done.

With that said, I'll just wake Nayeon up and help her get ready before I head to the kitchen. Or, that's what I planned to do, but the is already up and checking her backpack for everything she needs. She seems excited to go, at least.

"Yeonnie, good morning."

"HyoHyo! I'm getting ready!"

"I can see that. How about we go and get you on your uniform and you can do that after?"

"Okay, let's go!"

Sure enough, Sana kept panicking throughout breakfast, Mina and Momo never ate so fast (Sana has been annoying about this since friday, nobody can take it anymore), the ride there was filled with more wailing, Nayeon had her headphones on, so I was left for dead here. The closer we got to the school, the worst it got, I should really have asked the Sons for some tips on handling this.

"Good morning, I'm Wang Jackson, one of the teachers here. You must be the Chous, right?" The teacher who was welcoming the students at the gate greeted us.

"We are, I'm Jihyo, this is Nayeon and that sobbing mess coming our way is my wife, Sana. Please just let her be."

"We get that a lot, don't worry. Hello Nayeon, I'm mr Wang, let's go to your classroom?" He chuckled and introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you. Let's go!" Yeonnie really IS excited.

"You two should head to the office and finish the paperworks, I'm going to take her to the classroom, I'll be her teacher anyways."

"That sounds good. Yeonnie, can you go give mama a hug before you go with mr Wang?" I hug my little rascal and send her to Sana who is just sobbing loudly beside us.

Having said our goodbyes, the next challenge would be getting through the office routine with a grown woman that doesn't want to let her child go to class. But, we gotta do what we gotta do, and talking to the headmaster is something we gotta do.

"Mrs and mrs Chou? The principal will see you, now." The secretary announced and we proceeded to his office.

"Welcome, I'm principal Park Jinyoung, it's nice to meet you."

"Thank you, I'm Chou Jihyo, this is my wife, Sana, it's nice to meet you too. You are younger than I thought." I introduce ourselves as we shake his hand and sit down.

"I get that a lot. I took over after my father decided he would just take the high school division."

"Oh, so this school is connected with a high school. That's good to know."

"Mrs Son, are you alright?"

"Don't worry too much, she is always like this when Nayeon goes to a new school. She should be fine by the weekend." I answer, as Sana started crying harder when she was talked to.

"We have many parents like this, don't worry. Nayeon is in safe hands, Jackson is very capable."

"That's great to hear. We should be taking our leave, call us if anything happens." I hand him both or our cards.

"Will do, have a nice day."

Dismissing ourselves, I just call Eunji to tell her I won't be going to the company today (she beat me to it because of Sana's loud wailing beside me). After that, I just call up director Son, who also knew Sana would be useless the whole day and just wished me luck. She told me to give Sana some ice cream, it should help.

Sure enough, she was calmer when we got home, after I stopped on a convenience store and got her some ice cream, I gave her a tiny one just so we could get home, and the cartoon once I managed to get her changed and snuggled into a blanket on the couch. The rest of the day consisted on me working from home, keeping an eye on Sana and trying to not let her start crying again.

By the time we had to go and pick Nayeon up, Momo and Mina were already back, so I just gave Sana another cartoon of ice cream and went by myself. It was so much faster that I couldn't believe I got there so fast. I ran into Wendy, picking up Joy, and we talked for a while, she told me Yeri was a mess when Joy went to school as well.

On the way home, I just swung by the supermarket to get the things for dinner and some more ice cream, something tells me I'll need it. Nayeon was hyper, telling about her day and helping with the shopping, she loves going to the supermarket. By the time we got home, Yeonnie was sleeping, but I had to get her awake, she still has homework to do and if she sleeps now, she will be up at night.

"HyoHyo, do we really need to go in?" Nayeon has the perfect puppy eyes, I wonder who she learned it from.

"Yes we do, you know you have to go and let mama hug you so she feels better."

"Okay." She says dejected, but her pout is too cute, so I just pinch her cheek and open the door.

"Now go and give her a big hug, and kisses."

She sighs and heads to the living room to comfort Sana. According to director Son, only Nayeon could cheer her up now, something about the perpetrator serving the sentence, I didn't ask. This IS going to be a long week.

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