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I placed my earbuds in as I stared out the window. My thoughts drifted to Bucky. He was everything to me. I wondered what he was doing and thinking right now. I let my daydream take me away as I stared out into the clouds.  

(Two Years Ago)

"Do you want to keep staring at the wall or do you want to go to work? I mean it's a pretty interesting wall." Steve stood there looking amused at Natasha.

"I thought you and Toney were still gazing into each other's eyes. How do we look?" Nat asked him strolling out of the common area heading to the training room.

"Well were not the 27 Yankees," I heard that Steve say. "We have some hitters." Natasha smirked back as they entered a training room.

Well that means that they didn't need me for a while. My job had been slow for the last several weeks. Now with training starting it appeared like it would be picking up soon enough. So why not take advantage of some quiet down time. One of my favorite places, the common area between close to the offices. It was actually peaceful, well decorated and natural light. All the things that calmed my nerves. I sat down on the bench that lined that wall listening to my music. Come on it will be fun. New people to meet and trust me enough hot guys that you have to chase them off. Natasha teased. Of course a job and all its perks. Ema it's right up your ally. I tuned up my headphones remembering what she had said and internally rolled my eyes. I knew that Steve was going to be late for our meeting so getting lost a little in my music until then was a great distraction, until I felt the bench shift as a tall burnt sat down next to me. I looked up to see a well built man with shoulder length hair and blue eyes looking at me intensely.

"So what's your story, I mean why aren't you in there with them?" He questioned.

I removed my ear bunds and gave him a slight smile. "I'm not the superhero type I guess." He gave me a small chuckle.

"Why aren't you in there?" I asked. Metal arm and muscles up you should be ofcourse there has to be a story there , I thought.

"That's only for the new ones." He answered in a cool tone. Oh so he isn't new. "Why are you here? Running from someone?" He continued his authoritative tone.

"No. I don't run," my tone as cool as his. He took a deep breath and started again.

"Sorry I didn't mean to ugh come across that way. Let's try again ok?" I gave him a slight smile and nodded. "I'm James ugh Bucky Barnes." He said kindly. I could detect a slight New York accent as he spoke.

"Nice to meet you Bucky. I'm Ema Jones." My southern accent flooding out of my mouth. Bucky just smiled at me before speaking again.

"So where you from?" He looked at me amused.

"California," I teased. I knew he didn't believe me one bit.

"No, I don't think so." He teased back."Try the south." His smile was intocoating.

"That easy to tell?"

"Well maybe."

"Louisiana. I'm in linguistics. He raised a curious eyebrow at me. "Primarily Russian, French, Italian and I'm leaning Romanian. So how about you?"

"An assassin from Brooklyn." Bucky said with a smirk. Figures I thought all the cute ones have something up with them.

Steve was back. "Buck, Ema you're with me."

"Ok. Comin' Steve," He said as we both stood up. "After you doll." Bucky said looking at me. This should be interesting I thought following Steve and Bucky into his Steve's office.

Steve sat down at his desk as Bucky leaned against a table behind my chair. "So I need a linguist on each team and since alpha team doesn't have one you're it." He said looking at me.

"Ok, that's fine with me but whose team is that? I asked.

"Mine" I heard my new friend say behind me. Of course one with an assassin super soldier and now me.

"One question Steve why me? I mean for alpha team. Just seams like you all are the top dogs."

"Let's just say you two have more in common than you know. Both hard headed." Just like I thought all the good ones have some type of issues. He gave a little chuckle.

(Present Moment)

"Ema, earth to Ema," Steve teased. I snapped out of my daydream and removed my earbuds. "What are they saying?"

"Well if ya give me a moment I can tell you blondie," I said placing my earpiece back in. "Location is 75 miles north of the warehouse is where he is being kept."

"Roger that. We'll be landing in 15 minutes" I heard him say.

As promised we were down in 15 minutes. I pulled my hand guns and placed them into the holsters on my thigh. Thank God Bucky had taught me how to shoot. I wasn't like him, but at least I could get the job done. 

"We'll go in the door at the northern side of the cabin. Stay behind me." Steve ordered.  I nodded with understanding as I drew out one of my guns holding it in positon. The dense forest lay behind us and the cabin before us. One hostile fired a shot but it was easily blocked by his shield and than Steve picked him up and threw the hostile against a tree knocking him out.

"Buck!" he called out opening the cabin door cautionly. A dissolved Bucky laid against the left side of the cabin wall nursing a bloody warped leg. The  contents of the room clearly scarred in disarray around him. He looked dissolved and tired.

"Took you long enough," he smirked at Steve before spotting me behind him.

"What in the hell!? Ema. What is she doing here Steve?" He grumbled as I placed my gun back into my leg holster. I stood there now beside Steve with my hands on my hips.

"Saving your crazy ass." I smarted. He gave me his task force look. I knew that this conversation wasn't over by a long shot. "Can you walk," I asked offering my hand to him. Buck took it as he stood up not putting weight on his left leg. Steve immediately came and put his arm around him as he help him walk out of the cabin making our way back to the jet. 

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