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Linguistics- the scientific study of language, and involves an analysis of language form, language meaning, and language in context.

(2 Years Ago)

My mom had always told me that I was a sassy, hard headed southern girl that would one day turn into a wonderful woman. Looking back I don't think I disappointed her. I was still sassy and hard headed but with a good head on my shoulders. Early on I was determined to develop a skill set that would allow me to serve others, so I pursued a degree from LSU that allowed me to become a linguistics specialist for the government.

However, that was before I let my heart got in the way... . His name was Chis Nelson, a blond hair Greek god that I met while I was pouring drinks at the Hurricane Bar in New Orleans just so I could pay for my car note. For some reason I let me heart fool me and soon fell for his charms. Several months later I moved with him to Washington D.C. His assignment: Strike Force at the newest S.H.I.L.D. facility. Little did I know that my life was soon going to change in a way I could have never predicted.

Three months later S.H.I.L.D. fell, exposing H.Y.D.R.A. agents that have infatuated the program. I had suspicions that Chris was one of these agents, but I had no hard proof. I guess you could say, I had no proof; mental abuse doesn't leave marks on the outside. 

"Your nothing just nothing little girl!" Chris voice filled our small apartment again. How did I ever get myself into this mess. I was stronger then this. "You don't know anything. I wish I had never trained you!" He stood screaming at me while with one swoop of his hand the kitchen table that I had just been doing my work on had been wiped clean. Files and my laptop were now scatted onto the floor.  I had pressed my back against the entrance door to the apartment  hoping to get away from him. My eyes filled up with tears but I blinked them away. I had to get away from him. He looked at me with a stern face. His brown eyes blazing into me. If looks could kill, I knew that I would have been dead.  Chris took a quick look at the text he just received and then back to me,"I have to go to work. Be out be the time I get back, I never loved you. I regret us. All of us," he said pushing aside me walking out the door. 

I let out the breath I was holding and picked my flies that were now scattered on the floor. As I picked up the last one, I noticed a red file that had been taped under the couch. I lay on my stomach and pulled the file out of its hiding place. I sat crossed legged on the rug as I ran my hands over it. This wasn't a typical S.H.I.L.D issued file. This was something else. My hands began to shake, I opened the file only to find the H.Y.D.R.A symbol plastered on the first page. I skimmed through the file quickly finding Chris's name plastered on the pages. I slammed the file closed, placed it with my others and  stuffed it into my satchel along with my loaded glock. I took one more look around the apartment grabbed my cellphone and ran out the door.  I ran away from Chris and away from the life that I had known. I dumped my government issued cell and bought a burner one off of the street. The first call I made was to my friend Ann, she was a counselor that I had been seeing to help me get over panic attacks and PTSD. She had convinced me to get away from Chirs and thank God I had listen to her. 

 I ran into her office out of breath with the files and gun still in my bag. Panic tried to set in with each step I took. Her office door was closed but I knew this was her lunch hour. She didn't have clients right now. I open the door to see her fighting with a Jackson Anderson, who was Chris partner. With several hard kicks she had knocked Jackson out cold taking a flash drive out of his hand. 

"Ema! Steve get her out of here!"  She pushed me out of her office door back into her waiting room. I looked to find a blond hair man who had clearly been in a fight looking at me intensely. I quickly figured out that was the one and only Steve Rogers. I gaped at him for a moment and placed my hand over my mouth.  

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