The Untold Story

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"Why do you look like that?" I moved from around the bar grabbing my gun from under the counter. My voice shook as I tried to keep my hands steady as I pointed the gun at him. A slow chuckle echoed his chest as he started at me dead on. Clint and Bucky as well as Steve formed a barrier behind the unknown man and myself.

"Twins my darling. Don't you know Ema not to play with us you stupid girl. Gambit was right when he hired you all. However my associate has him held up for a moment." My eyes shifted to see Natasha pointing a gun at one Richard Malone if that was his real name while Richard's gun was pointed at Gambit's head. "You see Christian Jones at your service you little whore." I stiffened some. "My brother and I enjoyed playing with you. Each taking turns. He gets killed and you find one of them to screw next." He hissed as I now shifted more In front of him still pointing my gun at him. I saw Steve quickly pick up his shield from the reflection in the bar mirror. "I would not do that Captain. If you do she will have to decide if I kill him" he nodded towards Gambit or maybe her. His gun now out of his hidden holster pointed at me.

"My brother was right. You are a little bitch. He just used you know to get into SHIELD. In fact I should thank you for that. All the times he fought with you and told you you were worthless. My favorite those was when he told you he didn't love you and watched your crumble before him like the weakening you are. Or better yet when he said he regretted your marriage to him just several months into out little scam. So now my precious Ema what do you have to say?" His voice was full of hate treated.

So many memories were rushing through my head. All the past events and pain that Chris showed me during the short time we were together came back and hit me like a fright train. I looked at him and stepped backwards. I laughed. "Do you really think I give two flips about Chis one you?  You come and screw with my life my friends lives and now you do all this and for what? To put on a show and make a point." I hissed.

"No Ema for revenge. Pure revenge. A life for a life." Christian said with an evil smile. "Your sassy mouth will be your undoing."

"Then your going to love this remark. I don't play with dead things." I said sarcastically. "Not you nor your brother."

I squeezed the trigger my shot shattering 5hr mirror behind him. However I heard two other shorts ring out. Natasha immediately swept Gambit's legs making him fall to he safely of the floor. I felt as on bullet wised dangerously close by me nicking my arm. The suspect lay dead on the floor. One shot to the head one to the chest. "Like I said I don't play with dead things. I grumbled helping Gambit to his feet as Steve and Natasha restrained Richard.

Buck POV
"Dam it." I mumbled watching her miss the shot I knew she could do in her sleep. He had shook her. "I got him," I said to Clint.

"If you don't I do" he echoed in my ear.

I lined him up and took two quick shots. I watched as one came dangerously close to Ema as Reese hollowed "Down!"

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