Language Problems

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The punching bag was my refuge. It was an attack on all of us Em. What's the game plan? We will figure it out together. That had been three weeks ago and Wanda and I both had mental conversations about it. Once again my hands were tapped and bagging into a bag. Kicks and hits. Memories flooded my head. Wanda looked at me with concern as she walked on the treadmill. I'm sorry but that damaged to your body was too much internally Mrs. Barns the baby didn't survive. Bucky was holding my hand as I slowly woke up from what they called a D and C. His lips set hard. Did he know then? Why didn't he tell me Wanda?

He knew you couldn't handle it honey. WE all knew. He did the right thing. You know that. Besides it's been six months Ema. Why is this on your mind now?"

I don't know I just well I just don't. . . I felt a strong arm grab my hand stopping me in a dead punch. I spun around to look at concern brown eyes. "You ok Cher? Can 't leave until I know you are?" 

"Yes I'm fine." I smiled as I pushed the memories behind me. "Besides what do you mean leave? I thought this was settled. You were going to stay until you decided. . . ."

"Where to go? Ya did that actually. Plan on hanging with Logan and the Professor for a while seeing a sweet girl I know up there and then who knows. But you know I am always a phone call away." Gambit said giving me a sweet smile. I gave him a understanding smile and a hug. I saw Bucky leaning against the door frame. 

"Please don't tell me you two are at it again?" 

"No Doll me and the Cajun are cool. Besides he already said he's coming for a guys night in the spring." His blue eyes shinning.

 "Ya this guy has kind of grown on all of us." Sam said clamping Gambit on his shoulder. 

"And his poker skills." Steve said walking out of the locker room. I stood looking at the exchange with my hands on my hips.

"Fine get out of here. Just come back. And stay out of trouble with Logan would you Gambie and don't give Rouge a hard time. She likes you. You know that?"

"Ya that's why I couldn't give ya that name. Like her too." I just laughed. 

"Hold on to her if she's a good one. Found that out with this one." Bucky stated as he pulled himself off of the door frame. "As long as she stop's pulling her punches before she breaks her hand." Gambit laughed. I just gave the guys a gruff look. 

Natasha ran into the gym looking at all of us "Got a hit guys. Come on." 

"On that news, I got to go." Gambit said with a dramatic tip of his hat and turned walking out the door with bag in hand. 

"Let's go people hustle," Nat said. "You two as well. Let's go. Situation room now."

(Situation Room)

"So basically this new version of HYDRA is forming in a military rouge company outside of Wacanda."  Bucky stiffen with Steve's words as we looked at the screen. 

"T'challa is asking for our help and has confirmed it is the same group that attacked the compound as well as tried to attack other military bases throughout the world. We are going to bring the fight to them before they hurt any other innocent people."

"Besides they have already made this personal," I stated. Steve locked his authoratative expression on me.

"Yes but we are not out for vengeance. WE all know that won't. . ."

"solve anything" Bucky snapped looking at me with that task force look. I had learned that look in three weeks. It was simple here I was treated just like another agent. At home I was his and he was mine and I was sick of it. Yes treat me like any other agent but I was tried of being not treated like his wife anymore at work. "We go there and formulate a plan. Get a hold of the situation and eliminate the problem if needed. No other feelings involved agent."   I felt my face heat up with anger and embarrassment. I forced myself not to shed a tear. Dammit! I told him this wasn't a good ideal. 

Steve continued the briefing with no more interruptions. When it was over I quickly stormed out of the room with a super solider right behind me. He snagged my elbow to stop me and my fit. His gave me a gruff look and gritted his teeth speaking quietly but harshly. "What do you think you were doing in there?! This is not a revenge mission if you think it is then you are off of it. Do you understand agent?"

"Yellow." I mumbled as I held back the tears that were threatening to fall form my eyes. 

"What?" He snapped. 

"I. Said. Yellow." I snapped as I pulled my arm from him. His eyes calmed some as he stared down at me with his arms folded. I began walking away from him, as he called out to me. "Come on! What in the hell is wrong with you?" I turned on my heal and faced him head on with my arms on my hips closing the gap between us quickly.

"No you hold on Barnes. I'm your wife and you will talk to me like I'm your wife in and out of our home. Or have you forgotten that! So yes I'm calling you on it. I'm tired of this bull shit that you are playing. So let's put it this way Bucky. Treat me like I'm just some dirt on your shoe again here at work I swear I will trigger you so fast that you won't even have time to say ready to comply!"

"Listen I was just treating you like. . ."

"I'm not like everyone else. Yes I know, but you have taken it to the extreme so back the hell off. You know in fact until you figure that out you can buck on the couch." My anger still boiling over as I spat the last words to him. He just looked at me in awe and shook his head. 

"I didn't know you were feeling that way. I ugh I'm sorry. You know you are the most important thing in the world to me right?" He mumbled looking down rubbing his neck. 

"You know what prove it 'cause right now we have a huge language problem going on James." I said storming off.  

(Later that Night)

Mad. Yep that would describe it. I curled up under the blanket on the couch. A glass of red wine and the TV remote. After flipping through; the channels again for the tenth time, I finally decided that there was nothing on and threw the remote down with discussed. "Hard headed man. Just ugh!" 

"That is sorry for making you feel like your how did you call it dirt on his shoe." I looked up to see him with a sheepish look holding a dozen red roses in his hand. I stood and took the roses from him and placed them down on the end table. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel that way Em. I'm in love with you" he mumbled cupping my face, "Forgive me?" I smiled.

"Of course Sergeant, besides I love you too. But for now on I'm on Clint's team. You and me both know that this is not going to work you being my team leader." He let out a little sigh. 

"I know honey, but only one one condition. You train with both of us and fill in on both teams as needed. I don't want to see you hurt." 

"Ok. Now take me to bed alpha." I said placing my hands around his neck as he gave me a smirk.

"Ready to Comply."    

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