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My heart pounded in my chest as I made it to the apartment. I pulled the car to a screeching halt and jumped out slamming the door behind me. The only thoughts running through my mind were if he was alright? Did he need me? What if they didn't tell me about all of his injuries? What if... no. Stop it, Ema, you can't do this right now.

I knocked on the door anxiously. No answer. I didn't again, a bit louder. Still no answer. Instead of letting it get to my head I called out. "F.R.I.D.A.Y., Open James Buchanan Barnes apartment door. Level 9 access, ID Q7219." I listen as the locks in the door turned until finally the door opened and I rushed in scanning the dark room. The moonlight shown through the kitchen window illuminating the dining area and living room. I scanned the room frantically only to see a bloody shirt discarded on the kitchen floor and his M249 laying on the counter still loaded. Oh God, this wasn't good.

"James!?" I called out and received no answer. I looked around the lower rooms. "Buck! Bucky!!" I yelled over again as I opened each door only to be greeted with silence. Fear once more was consuming me. "Buck!" I called out again as I rushed up the stairs and ran down the hallway. When I reached his bedroom door I didn't hesitate to open it. I scanned the room. His gray bedding was turned back with lights low as Halsey played softly on his old stereo.

(Bucky's POV)

I rinsed my body again typing to get the grime of the mission off of me. My nanotech arm flickering off due to the water. I thought I heard Ema's voice calling my name but it couldn't be; after the battle I just had it had to be a hallucination. The warm water cascaded down me again as I closed my eyes.

"Buck! Bucky!!" I heard her call out in a frantic tone. I knew I wasn't dreaming now it was closer almost like it was in my hallway. Quickly I turned off the water, half dried off and wrapped a towel around myself.

(Ema POV)

"Buc-" I halted as I heard the bathroom door open. I turned my head and stopped immediately. One James Barnes walked out, and towel hanging low on his hips, his hair wet and dripping on his skin. I watched as one of the droplets slowly skidded down his gorgeously sculpted body, passing his pecs and down the sinful line of hair leading down pass a heavily carved v-line and finally disappearing and soaking into the towel.

I stood gaping at the sight in front of me as I ran my eyes up to his again and they twinkled in amusement as he caught me staring red-handed. Dam this man is hot- wait what the hell am I thinking?!

I shook my head a little and closed my eyes. I had to make sure he was real. I opened my eyes only to found that he had moved a little closer to me with a slight smirk. I ran forward, not caring about his dressed state as I wrapped my arms around him tightly bearing my head in his chest.

"Dammit, James! You scared me." I sniffled trying not to break down in front of him. Dang helpless romantic. "Why did you do that to me? I couldn't find you and Steve and Nat didn't tell me anything." I wiped my eyes as I felt his chest rumbled with amusement. He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a slight squeeze. One of his hands released me and slid under my chin, forcing me gently to look up at him. His stormy blue eyes locking onto mine.

"Doll, look, I'm okay. It was a clean shot and went straight through. Look." I looked at his right arm to see his bicep covered and clean. I sighed with relief and looked down. I then froze, finally realizing the position we were in. I jumped back but he pulled me close to him again, a smirk on his face. ()

"So, how exactly did you get into my apartment darlin'?" He asked looking down at me in question, an eyebrow raised. I smiled softly and looked up at him.

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