Similation (Part 1)

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"Are you nervous about today," Wanda asked as red magic began forming from her fingertips. I gave her a nervous laugh.

"Me never. I just have to go out there and kick butt. Besides I have a good partner."
She gave me a smile.

Wanda has been my training partner for the last couple of months and now she would be my partner for my final agent review. The dreaded simulation task. We arrived to the outside to see an impressive fight scene in front of us. "Looks like something out of the movies" I mumbled as Wanda shook her head in agreement. Gambit soon joined us on the sidelines watching the scenes play out in front of us. I fumbled with the hem of my shirt as he stood there crossing his arms.

"You ready for this Cheri? You look nervous."

"Of course nothin to it...ugh who is that?"  I pointed to a man dressed in black wearing a half mask.

"Who is that?"


"You hit your head or somethin?"

"No Gambit I just mean." Crash. "Who ugh what is that?"

"What she rambling about?" Sam asked now standing beside us. "Ema You look like you never seen him spar before?"

"Not like this."

"What do you mean?" Sam looked at me with his arms folded giving me a smirk.

"She's never seen him in winter mode." Wanda said playing with the red ball of light she had formed with her hands.

"Oh. Oh!" Sam chuckled. "You never seen... "

"No. Sam" I snapped as Natasha now approached standing beside us all.

"What are we staring at?"

"Ema never seen Bucky in winter mode." Gambit said flipping his cards shifting from one foot to another. Think she may pass out. "

She raised a curious eyebrow. "You know fighting like he always does on missions." I stood in slight shock looking at the two soldiers. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the two.

"You except me to do that?" I asked nervously.

"No not at all." Natasha answered.

"Oh good." My voice now sounding  a little  more relieved.

"We expect you to do some of it." She smiles looking at me her green eyes shinning. I shifted my feet again looking between her and Sam and now back at the soldiers. I knew Wanda and  I would have to face all of them or at least the most of them to pass.

"Great I ugh least I know where I ugh stand..." A loud crash brought me back to reality! The Winter Soldier had just threw Caps should sticking it into a van. Oh my lord. How can I even beat him? My eyes went wide as my breath hitched. "Shit!" I mumbled loudly as my body stiffened.

The guys finally noticed Wanda and I standing there and immediately stopped fighting. His blue eyes locked on me as Steve stood up and ran a hand through his hair staring at me like a deer in headlights. I had to get out of there. Panic began to seek into my chest causing it to tighten.

He had scared me and he knew it which just one glance. However what had really sent me into a panic was the idea that I was about to have to face him. Not as Bucky Barnes but as the Winter Soldier.

"Ten minute break," I head Steve say.

I turned leaving  almost knocking over Gambit on my way out. "Cheri"? He said trying to calm me but it was no use.

"Dammit!" I heard Buck growl behind me.

The entrance door to the compound slammed behind me as I made my way to the common area. I stood there for a moment resting my hands upon my knees until I heard him behind me. I stood up not wanting to face anyone at this moment. Bucky snagged my elbow making me turn to face him. 

"Ema?" He ran his hand through his damp hair. I looked down at my hands in front of me shaking in front of me. Just a panic attack breath.

"Ema. Look. At. Me." I shot my eyes up looking into concern blue storm of emotions.

"Buck if you love me let go of my arm."

He immediately realized I was in a middle of a panic attack and let it go as he said "only if you won't bolt on me."

"Fine" I huffed trying to control my breathing as I looked at him.

"I scared you didn't I?"

"No ugh just never see you ugh."

"Em." he half growled. Gaining back my attending and stopping my rambling.

"Fine yes you scared me some James. Happy. And I have to face you in a moment. I have to focus. can I leave now?" I sat down on the bench staying up at him.

"No. And no I'm not happy that I scared ya. It's just ugh he's a part of me. That's my training and..." He rubbed his hand though his hair again. Oh no did he think it was cause of winter.

"No. No Buck that's not it." I said shaking my head as I stood back up now pacing some in front of him.

"Then what?" His voice full of confusion.

"I ugh just freaked cause you all want me to be able to do all that too. I'm not a winter soldier I can't do that. I ugh." He busted out laughing at me. I stoped dead in my tracks and looked at him like he was crazy. He wrapped his arms around my waist. "Buck!"  I scolded him  for his laughing fit. 

"Baby I'm just glad you're not scared of me." He mumbled into my neck before pulling away looking down at me. "All we want you to do is what you can do." I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Good cause when I go out there were not friends or anything else. I'm not planning on taking it easy on you Barnes." I said with a cocky smile. Relief flood my face as he laughed again.

"All this time I I just though you were scared of my winter mode."

"No James. Besides it's kind of hot." I said with a flirtatious smile.

He smirked at me raising his brow.



"You know I could shoe you some more winter later."

"Promise soldier?"

"Yes ma'am." He said giving me a chase kiss before hearing Steve clear his throat behind us.

"Come on guys. Let's go. Ema your up."

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