Pillow Talk

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Several weeks had passed since Bucky told me that he loved me. During that time he had be on various missions. Before going out on them I made Steve swear to me that if anything ever happened to Bucky again he was to let me know right away or I would as we say in the south "come undone on him." It had made him and Buck laugh, but they both knew I was serious.

I often found myself in his bed more and more. Especially since winter had decided to set into New York.

"You know you can stay. It's not like they don't know we are together."

"James I don't have a change of clothes and it's getting late. Besides the weather is goin to get bad soon. They said a snow storm is coming." I said pulling myself off of his couch. He just pulled me back down with a laugh with my back facing him.

"Correction honey the storm hit an hour ago while we were watching the movie so you aren't going anywhere besides you can have any shirt in my closet to wear or maybe even nothin' at all."

"Maybe a little of both if your good soldier." I muttered trying to get up again this time successfully.

"Good so go take a shower get changed." He smirked behind me.

"How about you? You not going to join me?" I looked down at him and asked. God help me. Dark jeans and a brown tight Henley.

"Can't let my best girl down can I?" He said pulling himself up.

Forty minutes later I was in his closet pulling out his black dress shirt I slipped it on and made my way to his bed. He looked up from his book as the bathroom door creaked open. His eyes traveled from my lips to my legs and back up as I blushed. He placed his book on the nightstand and extended his hand to me. "Come here." His voice sinfully low. I patted over to him. He took my hand and pulled me onto his lap so I could straddle it. "That shit looks better in you then on me beautiful." I blushed and looked away again. I soon felt one hand moving my chin back to him. "Why do you do that?"

"Do ugh what?"

"Turn away from me when I call you beautiful?" His eyes studding my face waiting from an answer.

"Just never thought if myself that way I guess. I'm gust normal. I mean come in you could have any supermodel you want. Have you seen yourself?"

"First you are not just normal. You are exceptional." I smiled and kissed him on his cheek.

"Your a sweetie."

"Well I try." I rolled off of him snuggling closer to him. My head resting on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me. His grip tighten around me as I rubbed circles onto his left arm. He picked up his book again.

"Do you feel anything with your arm?"

"Some why you ask?"

"Just wanted to know besides I have questions I want answered and you are not to open about your past sometimes. Besides you know slot about me." Buck netted his eyebrows together looking at me for a moment.

"Ok fair enough ask away Ma'am." His hand snaked around my waist as the other played with my brown hair.

"What do you feel with your arm?"

"Temperature changes mostly. Also texture. That's about it." I nodded my head. "Your smooth skin." I felt his arm move under his shirt rubbing my back. I just smiled

"Your not going to distract me."

"Wouldn't dream of it Doll. Continue."

"Who's was was first love?"

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