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I tossed and turned again. Two more days. Natasha was already home. The boys were having this victory celebration in Vienna for a couple of days. "Two days baby. Just wanted a celebration like we did in the past. I love you." His voice trailed off in my mind. I hit my pillow again. Ugh! He was coming home, and coming home to me, not as the Winter Soldier but as my sergeant. Ugh! So why was I aggravated?

Day 1:

The next evening Natasha and I were having a girl's night with wine and Nextflix. "So you're aggravated with him?" She teased.

"No, I'm just frustrated." I laughed.

Natasha looked at me and giggled. "I know what it is. You just want to say oh Bucky!" She teased. "You needed to feel him, all of him." She had laughed. I turned red and threw a pillow at her. "Hold on speak of the devil." A text message had dinged her phone.

"Let me see!" I tried to grab the phone but she was too fast and ran to her bedroom locking the door behind her. I sat there pouting.

Bucky: So are you with her right now?

Natasha: Yes and she misses you. (Oh, Bucky!)

Steve: He misses her too. He is driving us crazy!


Natasha: My mouth is shut just show me.

Bucky: Which one?

Natasha: Second one!

Clint: Blue? Why blue?

Bucky: Don't ask!

Natasha: I show you the picture later. . .

Steve: What picture? Oh the one he always looks at that I know nothing about!

Sam: Get the second one and come on.

Clint: I don't think I want to see it. But I have one of Laura too.

Bucky: Ok so second one. Be home tomorrow. We are leaving now.


Day 2:

"So you got me out of the office for a workout Clint. Really?"

"Come on you have to train." He said as he pushed the gym doors open.

"I'll be back, I forgot something," he mumbled. Leaving me in the gym along.

"Fine, fine." I mumbled. "Training for what? A vacation?" I wrapped my hands and decided on the punching bag. I hit it and just a little sand escaped from a small hole in it. After a few kicks and hits at the bag I had quickly decided that this was defiantly not for me. "How does he do that? I mean with like five hits there is a bag on the floor." I said to myself. "F.R.I.D.A.Y. playlist for Ema." Music began to fill my ears. Sit Next to Me. I smiled and turned and walked to my gym bag and unwrapped my hands. A loud crash caused me to jump. I spun around to see around to see the bag on the floor with the contents spilling out. Then I saw him. "Bucky!" He stood there with a cocky smile his blue eyes shining. I ran up to him and jumped into his arms wrapping my legs around his waist. His lips met mine as he held me.

(Bucky POV)

Clint had got Ema into the gym for me. I wanted to ask her here. We began here. I asked her to be my girl here. Now I wanted to ask her to be my wife here. Steve placed a reinsurance hand on my shoulder. "You ready for this?" I nodded.

"You look great," Natasha said. I had put on a pair of jeans, and a black polo. Most importantly I had a diamond and sapphire ring in my back pocket.

"Stay here," I told Natasha, Clint, Steve, and Sam. They lean against the outside wall of the gym and looked into the windows as I walked in quietly. I turned on the gym speaker so they could hear. I stood there watching her attacking the punching bag trying not to laugh.

"How does he do that? I mean with like five hits there is a bag on the floor." I heard mumble. As she turned and walked off to unwrap her hands I moved quickly to the punching bag and with one strike with my left hand it was on the ground. I quickly moved taking my place in the middle of the sparing mat. Ema jumped at the noise and quickly saw the bag busted on the floor. Her eyes then found me. I smiled as she said my name. "Bucky!" She ran and jumped into my arms. "You're here you're really hear," she said as I kissed her.

"Yes Doll I'm here. I'm home." I said smiling into her neck. I had missed her arms around me. She was mine. My life. I slid her down and she stood there looking at me with a sweet smile. Immediately the music changed, thanks to Natasha, to Halsey - Not Afraid Anymore. I took her hands in mine. "So, since we started here on this mat I wanted to ask you something here." I knelt down. Ema stood there gaping. "You are the best thing that has ever happen to me, and if you will have me I promise to love you and protect you for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?" I stared into her eyes. "Yes!Yes!" Ema said with tears in her eyes. She knelt in front of me. We shared a kiss that was normally one we had only in private. I pulled out the ring from my back pocket and slipped it onto her left hand. We kissed again and I heard whooping behind us. Ema and I broke our kiss and looked behind us. There stood all of our friends celebrating with us. As I helped Ema stand up she blushed and I chucked.

(Later that evening- Bucky POV)

"I just want to be married to you. I don't care where and whatever you want is fine," I kissed her lightly on the back of her bare shoulders as I held her in my arms.

"I just want it small, maybe overlooking Niagara Falls. I only been once and it was beautiful there."

"If that's what you want then the falls it is," I said as I turned her around to face me. I looked her up and down before I kissed her deeply as I moved my hands slowly down her body. She exhaled sharply before she moan my name again.


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