Dream A Little Dream

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The nightmare woke him up from a sound sleep. His fist clenched at the sheets and sweat gathered on his chest and forehead. He woke wide eyed and distorted looking around the small room. "нет остановки не!!" (No Stop Don't!)

I jumped at the sound of his scream. This wasn't good.  "Остановите!" (Stop!)

I cautiously began to shake him on his arm as I called his name"Buck. Buck. Bucky!" He looked at me puzzled for a moment, like he was making sure I was real. I felt him shift as he sat up in the bed. "Bucky your safe. It's me." I placed my hand over his heart feeling it's rapid betting. He gave me a blank stare. "Deep breaths, your safe." His only response was a nod.

" He, I ugh hurt you." Bucky's voice was quite but shaken and still half asleep.

"No. Not at all. Besides don't worry about me right now. Let me help you." I began to get up but was stopped by a metal arm being placed on my leg.

"Hey Doll." His voice husky from sleep.

"Hey, yourself." I said with a sleepy smile, shaking my head. "Nightmare?" He just shook his head yes.  He shifted up sitting against the headboard of our bed. I  got up and placed the blanket back on top of the bed and began to make my way to the bathroom to get a wet cloth.

"Wait. Sit with me awhile," Bucky said in a shaky voice. It had been a while since I had heard him like this. Wow this nightmare must have been on hell of one.

"Sure." He scooted over so I could snuggle next to him. "So what was it about?"

"Don't want to talk about it."

"Fine than at least lay down please." He took some more calming breaths and laid down now pulling me with him. I placed my head on his bare chest listening to his heartbeat. "Just breathe." He let out the breath he was holding. "You ok?"

"Yes. Now at least." His arms tightened around me.

"Good. Now tell me what is going on?"

"What do you mean?"

"Come on James you got a death grip on me and you are goin to lay there and tell me it's normal for you to scream out stop in Russian now in middle of the night? You haven't had a nightmare in almost a year." He loosen his grip some but still didn't let me up.

"You're not going to let this go until I tell you huh?" he mumbled.

"Nope not in my nature Barns."

"Fine." He let me go and sat up. I sat beside him as he stared at me intensely. His blue eyes fixed upon me. I waited for him to start talking but after a moment I couldn't take it anymore. So, sergeant are we going to sit here and you stare at me all night or you. . .," before I could get my the rest of my sentence out Bucky had given me a half grin and then snaked his hands around my waist. He pulled me onto his lap, so he could look into my eyes.

"You know when you call me Sergeant like that it has an intoxicating effect on me," he chuckled.

"Buck!" I teased trying to wiggle free. It was no use so I decided the best thing to do was to change the subject. "Tell me about your dream," I demanded.

"I'll tell you but no interruptions." His voice calm but low.

"Ok fine." I huffed. As I rolled my eyes. His body relaxed, as he began to talk. "It started out as a really good dream. I had gotten back from a mission then we made love in the shower and..."

"James. Stop it. That's what just happened like five hours ago. Now tell me the truth." I snapped.

"Not buying it huh?." I rolled my eyes at him.

"I saw you shot to death on a barroom floor with that dam pinup outfit you have in there on. Happy now?" No not really.

"Oh yep definitely." He looked at me like I was crazy. "you don't have normal dreams you know." I held onto his arms or dear life. He gave me a smirk.

"So I've been told." His eyes were right on mine trying to gage my reaction. "you wanted to know," he said husky. I had asked him. I just shook my head. I couldn't believe what I just heard.

"Bucky I'm fine and ugh I'm just confused here. He gave me a smirk. Do you really want to plan this thing out so you can keep me safe or do you want me off of it."

"I want you out of it but since you aren't going to listen to me I guess I don't know Ema. I'm just concern."

"Then we will go with whatever plan you help come up with. But help is the key word here. I know some of your crazy plans remember." My voice soft as I stroked his face with my hand. So is this why you haven't been getting any sleep?"

"Partly. Also spent a lot of time in Mexico with lots of blood and it's nothin," I gave him a tell me look, "also thought I saw someone I used to know. I know it's not her but just old memories."

"Oh a her."I snorted. "Sorry I ugh" I tried to hide the pain in my voice. Of course he had a past. A big one and who was I to judge that. He was with me.

"Ema it was back in the 40's. You have nothin to be worried about Doll. I love you. I want you. No one else. You know that right?" I gave him a half smile and pulled myself off his lap. Walking to the window. "This is why I didn't want to tell you."

"That's not fair Buck." He got up walking toward me. "It's not that. I just know how powerful first loves are and I just hope I'm good as her I guess. That you not disappointed in me or us or whatever" I trilled off.

"Woman did you not here me."I felt two arms around me. "You are my world. If it wasn't for old memories I wouldn't have you." I turned facing him. "Besides why would you even think that?" I shook my head no. "Do you realize you're the only one that I even let call me James or flirt with or do other things with." He tailed off quietly placing his forehand against mine. Moonlight flooded the room. I stood up on my tiptoes and gave him a slight kiss on his lips. "I'm in love with ya. You know that?"

"Ditto" he gave me a curious look. "Means the same. It's from the old movie Ghost."

"We have to watch it sometimes. Sounds interesting." A chuckle passed through his lips.

"Bed. Let's go. It's late and you have to get some sleep or at least try too. A long mission plus nightmares makes you grumpy." Bucky just shook his head at me.

"Or maybe Woman maybe I need to show you again and again what you mean to me," as he pulled me closer.

"You know you are impossible right?"


"And cocky"

"Yep." His blue eyes shown as he responded to each question as he pressed his tongue in his cheek. 

"And a dang alpha male." I said with a smirk. Bucky nodded.

"And I really don't know when to shut up at 3:00 in the morning do I," I mutters trying to get my composure. A laugh filled his voice.

"No you don't. Let's try to see if I can't help you with that."

"Now you ugh wouldn't do something mean would you? I ugh..." a kiss should silences me.

"See told ya so." I just shook my head and crawled back into bed pulling the covers up around me. He laughed again as he lasted down and pulled me to him     draping an arm around me and planing a kiss in my hair.

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