Welcome to Wakanda

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(One month later)

Spending a day as an Avenger is not always interesting. However, when you hear the words suit up for the first time it makes it all worth wild. First, your phone goes off during practice telling you wheels up in two hours. Next, you learn to pack really fast. Finally, you get your behind onto a jet with all your gear and fly for almost eight hours. Fun yes this is now my new definition of fun.

Two hours into the flight I knew where we were going; Wakanda. Specifically a place called the Devil's Backbone. It was a plateau region located between the Great Mountains and the mouth of the Wakanda River.   The name gave me the creeps. However, I tried to remain positive. After a long debriefing it was decided we would take the rebels by surprise thus, allowing us to gain the upper hand. However, we all knew that where HYDRA was involved nothing would be easy and we should be prepared for anything.

(4 hours into the flight)

Rest, planning and boredom summed up the next few hours. Maybe this was why we all decided to go our separate ways for a while. Wanda, Natasha and I decided that there was way too much testosterone around and congregated to the back of the plane. I sat cross legged on a cot talking to Wanda and Nat as they reclined in two makeshift hammocks.

"How long is this flight again?" I complained. Natasha just laughed.

"I think you asked that about fifty times already."

"We need a distraction. I know, 20 questions. Come on it will be fun!"

An hour later as it was getting night out the guys found us having a mental three way conversation between fits of giggles. 20 questions nothing off limits. Steve mumbled something about us being stir crazy, Buck just shook his head and Sam decided the guys needed to play cards to get away from us.

It's your turn Em. Wanda stated by thought.

No,  I already answered some it's Nat's turn again.

Oh no it's not besides this is a long flight.  Nat stated with a grin.

Fine. What do you what to know. I thought looking towards Wanda. She pressed her lips together hard as she thought then gave me a wicked grin.

Where was the first place you and Bucky did it and when?

"You know speaking of him I think I need to go and see how he is doing. I haven't seen him in a while." I stood up and began walking towards the center of the plane.

"Party popper."  Wanda sassed. I just laughed while walking away to find Bucky.

My nerves were getting the best of me and I knew that just talking to him would calm me down. I found me sitting beside the wall of the plane flipping his knife in one hand as he stared off into space. I stood looking down at him for a moment before sitting down beside him.

"Hi. Mind if I join you?"

"Anytime Doll. Sounds like you all are having fun." He stated now looking at me while placing the knife back into his holder.

"Yes, five hours in and they are asking me about you," I said with a little laugh. His eyebrows knitted together as he gave me a curious look.

"Why? What are they wanting to know?"

"Nothing you need to concern yourself with." I reinstated talking with my hands.

"You're innocent I'm sure of it."

"Nope not at all Sergeant." I said kissing his cheek. He gave me a grin.


"That easy to tell?" My hands still moving as I talked.

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