Cochon de Lait (Part 2)

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Dusk had made it to the Big Easy. The evening was young and the street was still surprisingly quite. We parked behind 115 Bourbon Street. It was where I spent two years of my life working my way through grad school. It was a soldiers favorite hangout in the Quarter but also where a girl could have their pick of any guy as well as get the best tips if they chose to work here. Gambit had been a good friend to work with. He had made sure I was well taken care of while I was working.  I hated to admit it but I was excited to be back home again and see an old friend. 

The club door open easily to find a the familiar sight of round tables, dance floor, band area and of course my mahoganybar. It was the same bar and same smells put it was easy to spot new security system and posts that needed to be replace most probably from the unsuccessful CIA sting. Hence the reason we were here.  "So where is this guy?" I heard Clint mumble as we walked into the empty room.  

While there was food and drinks set up already there was no sight of Remy.  "Remy LeBeau! What in the hell have you done to my bar!?" 

Yours Buck mouthed to me. "You never won half of it from me so Chere so its mine to do what I like!" I heard his Cajun voice reply before I saw him walk from the back room.

 "Chere?" Buck hissed through his teeth. I just ignored him and Steve shot him a glare that shut him up. 

"Now come on and give Remy a hug would ya." His brown eyes sparked as I gave him a squeeze. His grip tighten as he picked me up and spun me around. "Told ya you would be back for me Chere." He said as he put me down onto the ground.  Bucky stood watching the scene with a grimace on his face his fist clinched beside him. I just laughed."Only in your dreams Gambit. Come and let me introduce you to the Avengers. 

"Welcome one and all to New Orleans and to the Hurricane."  "No let me. You must be the one I talked to Clint right?" Gambit shook Clint's hand. "Thank you for comin." 

"Your welcome." Clint said with a smile. 

" You must be Steve the Captain." He said shaking Steve's hand. 

"That's right. Its nice to meet you Remy." 

"Oh Chere you are stunning. You must be the famous Black Widow." Remy said as he placed a kiss on Natasha's cheek.

"Yes, Natasha please."

"Of course Chere."

"And you my friend must be metal man." He said looking at Bucks arm. I just stood there is awe for a moment. "The Winter Soldier. Bucky Barns."  Bucky shook his hand reluctantly and half mumbled. I shot him a look.  

"Come let's sit. "Ladies get the drinks would you." Two waitress brought a round of whisky for the guys and gave Natasha and I both red wine. "Ema you look wonderful and it is so good to see you again."

"Thank you but your stalling Remy." I said with a little huff. The guys took a seat around on of the round tables with Buck taking one right across from Remy facing me. Natasha and I pulled up extra chairs. I sat by her not wanting to give anything away. I want you safe. Is this how you are doing it back acting like a jerk to my friend. 

"You know if it hadn't been for that official mess I wouldn't have asked for help you know." His thick ascent hung in the air.  

"Yes I know, so what is the mess you are involved with this time. CIA?" 

"Well lets just say that an old friend of Ema's and mines has sufficed his head again."

 "Whatca' mean by that exactly?" Steve asked taking a slip of his drink. " I guess you all heard the name Chris Jackson from Ema?" Steve gave a nod. "Well his connections run deeper then  HYDRA." I stiffen a little. Natasha sent me a sidewinders glance which I knew meant to cool it.

 "What do you mean deeper?" I asked in almost a wiper. 

"Try the mob Chere or did you not know." 

"No Remy I didn't know." My voice angry with past events and now at him. "And why are you involved with people like that?" He shrug. 

"Bad voodoo I guess. That's why the CIA stepped in and tried to help. When that didn't work I contacted Clint here. Just didn't know you were working for them." I shook my head. 

"There's a lot you don't know Remy. A lot." He laughed and I received a cold stare from Bucky. What was his problem anyway. "How can we help?" 

"Get them off my back and let me live me life." 

"Easier said then done. Clint replied. 

"Got that cajun." Buck mumbled. I stood up walking over and placed a reassuring hand on Gambit's shoulder.

"We will do what we can to help, but I can't promise anything, and Gambit if this is a set up you won't have to worry about the bar anymore." My voice dripped with my treat I would make good on. 

 "How's that Cere?" He raised an eyebrow looking at me. "Because if I don't kill you, headshot probably will." I motion my head toward Buck as Gambit's eyes followed me.

 "No set up. Remy wouldn't do that to ya'll." Bucky just gave Gambit and death glare.

"Come on enough talk music, food, and drinks." He declared standing up. I just shook my head. Same old Remy. And hour later  Nickleback's Get 'Em Up flooded bar and so did laughter. 

"So show us you skills behind that thing Ema. Steve teased. he was more relaxed now and I wished that would rub off on Bucky.

"Sure why not. I walked behind the bar rubbing my hands on the mahogany top. I looked at one James Barns sitting there on a bar stool with an amused smirk on his face.

 "Watch this." Gambit said to Natasha as they sat at the table playing cards with Clint. "This is why she is so good." 

I stood behind the bar and with sassy sway in my steep and voice."So what can I get you soldier?" I said with a smile. 

"Actually it's Sargent." He said with a mischievous look in them. Oh this was going to be good. 

"Oh I'm sorry. Sargent. What can I get for you?"

 "How about your number darlin'?" 

"Well you can give me yours and I let you know at the end of the night where you stand I said giving him a napkin and a pen to write it down with. "Now how about a drink. Whisky?" 

"How'd you know?" (Music change-Light Em Up by Fall Out Boy)

"I'm very good at my job." I teased. I took a glass and put a little ice in it before flipping the bottle into the air in front of me and catching it with one hand. He gave a chuckle as I poured the drink for him and then placed it in front of him.

 "So now how about that number?" His voice now thick with lust.  

"Like I said Sargent give me yours and I'll let you know where you stand at the end of my shift." He handed me a napkin with a note on it. I know your game Doll. I folded it and just rolled my eyes at him before tucking it into my shirt. 

"Yep that's where all the numbers went." Gambit's voice boomed. Steve just laughed. 

"And how many of those numbers did you get and actually call Ema?" Natasha added. 

"Oh probably got at least 100 on a good weekend and only called two. One took me out to dinner before he shipped out and the other took me to DC." I said looking at Bucky biting my lip. 

A slight hiss came from him. "So what's my chance Doll?"

"Not good." I said shaking my head no leaning closer to him picking up his empty glass. The guys busted out laughing and I just smirked. I leaned over and whispered to him. "Stop acting like a jerk and they my improve." I said through my teeth with a slight smile.

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