Change of Plans

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(One month later)

It had been almost a month since I had been back home. My injuries had heeled, however Ema's was a different story. Physically she was fine now, however mentally was a different story. She was quiet. Too quiet. Panic attacks and nightmares.

"She needs a distraction Steve." I said as he sat down on the couch. I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. Steve looked up from reading the sports page now focused on me.

"What do you want me to do about it she's your girl not mine? She won't talk to me about anything right now. Just tells me that she is fine."

"Just I don't know. I've never seen her like this. On a good day she is fine. On and bad day she blames herself for losing the baby. She doesn't say it but I know she does. It's not her fault hell its mine." I signed as I rubbed my aching head.

"What do you mean yours? You didn't have anything to do with it. The attack was on the compound not on Ema or you but all of us." Steve said bluntly as he placed the sports page down finally looking at me.

"Yes we both know that but she doesn't. She doesn't even know that it was an attack. I can't bring myself to tell her that just yet. I just want her happy. Not ugh...."

"Depressed," Natasha chimed in as she walked into the kitchen.

"What do you mean depressed?" I looked up at her as she leaned against the counter.

"She is Bucky. She blames herself and thinks that if she was stronger or faster that none of this would have happen. Don't you remember when you got here? She has PTSD and it's a bitch. I know that's something we all can relate too, especially you. What she needs is your support, and a distraction. A good one."

"I am supporting her. Just I don't know. With me leaving again what can I do? I got to get her settled so I can focus on the missions we have coming up."

"Wait she doesn't know about Loas yet?" Natasha questioned me as she gave me a frond. "Why haven't you told her?"

"Just haven't, I will soon."

"I got it." Steve spoke up. Our heads snapped towards him. " She was finishing her agent training when before she found out she was pregnant. Encourage her to finish it. Take the test. Do the training finish it. We need her out on the field. She is smart, seductive, and sassy. Perfect for an assassin. Besides you know that will take most of her time. Wanda can be her partner."

"She don't need all that on her right..." I started to protest but was cut off by her sweet voice behind me.

"I don't need to what?" We all stared at her blankly. "Would on of you all please tell me what is going on? Your looking at me like I'm goin to break or something."

(Ema POV)

"Ema, honey sit down. " Natasha patted the couch beside her. She looked at me kindly. Her green eyes showing concern. I hated that look. I had seen it for almost a month now. Snap out of it Ema. I sat down curling on leg underneath me. What have I just stumbled into? "Look we are just all worried about you. Especially alpha over there?" I snickered some.

"Which one?"

"Both." The boys shot both of us a guff look.

"Oh I see."

"Anyway we have decided that we want you to finish you agent training."

"You got to be kidding me?"

"Not at all."


"You need a distraction and we are just wanting to help. Besides you know and I know that PTSD isn't going to just fix itself" She was right. Natasha and I had shared alot the last couple of weeks. Things that I didn't want to tell Bucky or just couldn't make myself tell him.

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