Suit UP

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(One Week Inside)

Late nights and long days. That was my new life. He had been gone for a week with only a one word text . . . infiltrated.

"Ema, what are you doing up so late?" Clint said making me jump.

I was in my office at 1 AM. I looked up from the piles of maps, codes, and files that covered my desk. "I couldn't sleep. I just wanted to go through the plan one more time. He should have sent us something else by now. I just . . . ."

"Ema stop. Look I've fought side by side with Bucky. He knows what he is doing and you worrying won't make a message come sooner." He said with a matter of fact tone. "Plus, I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't tell you to get to bed young lady." I huffed and shook my head at him.

"Ok Dad!" I said teasing while Hawkeye chuckled. "I'm sure Laura does the same over you."

"She does and trust me she is not too far from my mind when I'm on a mission but I have to put my feelings to aside and focus on the task so I can get back home safe to her and the kids. Bucky is doing the same thing now."

"Fine, I'll sleep but if you hear anything, please get me," I pleaded.

"I will. Now bed." Clint walked me to my apartment and I slept until I felt a shake on my arm. I saw Clint beside me.

"I think you are going to want to see something," he said in his authoritative tone. I nodded. 9AM well Bucky would be happy that I least had some sleep. Thirty minutes later I was in Steve's office looking over the code. Thank goodness Buck sent it in a language I could decipher.

"Twelve guards all male. One scientist female. Formula in locked safe. Winter mode. Suit up." I said looking at Steve.

"Ok that's the signal. Let's go." Steve placed his shield on his back. Natasha gave me a smile and walked out. Sam was already there on sight. He had been keeping a bird's eye on the situation for the past week.

"Steve," he turned and looked at me and I gave him a hug. "Be safe and being him home to me ok." He smiled.

"I will. I promise."

(Week 2)

Laura had brought Clint dinner and the kids played happily in the common room. I helped her set the table for dinner and we sat down to eat.

"So Ema, Clinton tells me that you and Bucky are serious." She said her brown eyes smiling at me. "Are you all planning to get married?" Clint almost chocked on his water. I looked down and blushed.

"Maybe, I mean one day. Let's just say we talked about it." I said shyly. Clint looked at me and smiled.

"So that's why he gave me those weird instructions?" He chuckled.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"He told me to shoot anyone onsite that may make any type of pass at you." Laura and I both laughed.

"I guess that's official then, he teased. He defiantly wants to marry you."

"And like you didn't do the same thing," Laura teased her husband as she caressed his hand and then gave him a kiss on the cheek.

(Week 3)

"One code has been received," a task force agent said running to bring it to me.

"Thank you," I said as I took the folder with a smile.

"I was wondering," he said turning back around. "Would you like to go out for coffee or perhaps dinner?" I saw Clint out of the corner of my eye stiffen a little.

"Thank you for the offer, but I have a boyfriend."

"Oh, well then baby since I haven't seen him around maybe you need a man to help you out in other ways." He said with a cocky grin.

He looked down at my dog tags and read it out loud. "Jams Burns. Really that guy? You got to be kidding me." I snatched the tags out of his hands and stepped back from him.

"More man then you will ever be," I smarted off." Of course he was hard headed and moved closer to me. I had enough of this guy. I swept his feet from underneath him. He looked up at me. "Maybe I didn't make myself clear to you, so listen up because I am not going to repeat myself" I cocked a smile at him. "If you ever make a pass at me again or anyone in my department, I will give him permission to shoot you and then Bucky can take it from there." The agent looked over to my gaze. There stood Clint with an arrow aimed at the agent's leg. He got up not saying a word.

"Get your stuff. You're fired." Clint said firmly to him as the man stalked off. I smiled at him and let out a breath. Clint shook his head at me and gave me a smile. "Didn't need that jerk anyway, besides he told me I could shoot them if I wanted." He mumbled and walked away. I picked up the file that had now been spilled on the floor and got to work again.

(Week 4)

I had been in the situation room since 5AM. The rest of the staff had joined me by seven and by ten I was on my third cup of coffee when my phone buzzed.

Steve: He is out. Nothing worse than tired and lots of nightmares.

Me: When can I talk to him?

Steve: Later. He is resting but he wanted me to let you know.

Steve: Did you get the new code?

Me: Working on it now. Give me an hour.

One hour later, the code had been deciphered. "Crap!" Clint came in running and so did the other agents. "Get me Buck now!" Clint took out his phone and dialed and then handed me the phone.


"No Steve. He's asleep Ema what's wrong?"

"Steve they know. Get the formula and get out of there now."

"Hold on." I heard noises in the background.

"Ema, Doll what do they know?"

"They know you're him I mean not him. . ."

"I get it."

"They also know what you all are after. They have a plan for you, hang on." A moment later I was back from decoding one last word.

"Bucky, what does the word freight train mean to you?"

"Their plan . . . I love you. Let's move Steve."

"James, please be safe."


I handed back the phone to Clint and walked out the door. I came back in with additional files and my staff people.

"Ok let go guys. Game time." The room lit up in a buzz. Clint took over military operations. I handled codes maps and everything else. By the time I looked up the normally calm situation room was buzzing with activity.

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