Broken Minds

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Four days, twelve hours and thirty-one no make that thirty-two minutes have passed since I've been able to get close to him. The doctors say that his body is healing but I ugh I can't tell. The only thing I know is that each day I go and see my husband in a state that I can't describe. However I know I have to keep going not only for him but for myself and our unborn child.

A knock at the door brought my thoughts to an end. I pushed myself away from the ornate desk closing my journal in the process. "Who is it?"

"Em it's me, Steve. Can I come in?"

"Sure it's open." He walked in eyeing me before speaking. His blue eyes searching for weakness or whatever.

"I need to talk to you. You may want to sit down," he said pacing now between the door and the living room. I sat down on the couch staring at him pace.

"Steve, just tell me. It can't be that bad. Hell with all that is goin on right now what else could possibly happ-" He stopped and stood in front of me with his arms crossed.

"How far along?" His tone crisp but clear.

"What in the hell are you talking about Rogers?" I snapped.

"You know perfectly well what I'm talking about Jones. Now answer the question." Which one would I have to take out? Nat or Wanda.

"No I don't have not the foggiest ideal what you mean." I lied looking at him my mouth pressed together hard.

"Come on Doll stop the lie, I just want to know how much time we are playing with. He's getting better by the day and I want to make sure that he is well by the time the baby gets here." My eyes began to tear up. I had wanted James to know before hand and now, it was his best friend calling me out on keeping the secret to myself.

"H-how do you know?"

"I heard you tell Bucky. Super hearing remember."

"Yes of course you did," I snorted. "Please Steve don't tell anyone I don't want them to know yet. Please," I begged. He gave me a small smile.

"I won't breath a word doll, just remember I'm the favorite uncle though." I smiled up at him as he bent down and planted a kiss on top of my head. "Now come on, lets go see how he is doing today."

(7 Days, 10 Hours and 15 Minutes)

This morning I woke up more refreshed then I had in several days. Steve had insisted that I took care of myself or that when Bucky did get out of this mess he would be furious with him and me both. While I knew that this would probably not be true, I did take Steve up on his offer to sit with him today until his treatments stated around eleven. After dressing in my task force outfit and grabbing my journal, I headed out the door of my compound looking for my host. I found him coming out of the lab as I was going inside the training facility. "T'Challa good afternoon I need a favor."

" Anything Mrs. Barnes. How can I help?"

"I need a journal bound. Is there a place I can get that done?"

" Yes of course. May I?" I reached in my bag and pulled out my journal handing it to him.

"Yes, all I ask is for privacy with this matter. I wrote some specifics on this paper if that's all right." He took them and read them aloud to make sure he had the information correct.

"Leather bound antique pages. Printed in English. Title on book Linguistics written in blue or silver. Yes that can be arranged. It should be ready in a couple of days."

"Thank you. And thank you for your hospitality and kindness." I stated giving him a little smile.

"How are you really Ema?"

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