Sparing Day

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(Present Day)

The morning sunlight flooded into the windows of my two-story apartment. Washing the night away with its' warmth and glow. It found me once again, on my living room couch. It was nothing new for me to experience a broken sleep pattern. Just like many nights, I had returned home wanting more in the pit of my stomach. But not knowing what this want was, it gave me a sense of anxiousness that often caused nightmares.

I woke to the sound of my own scream echoing through the room. In my dream I had relieved my past, the one consumed with a H.Y.D.R.A agent that I had barely known, being killed in an explosion and then appearing in front of me, standing in my small office in the compound. Blood dripping from the ceiling.

Try to get a grip Ema, I told myself as I began to slowly control my breathing. Suddenly, I heard a knock at my door. "Ugh, one moment," I called out as I got up and looked out the peephole. There stood Steve Rogers, damp from his morning run. His white tee shirt hung on him perfectly and he wore a pair of gray sweatpants.

"Ema." I heard him call out his voice full of concern. Over the three years I had been here, Steve had become the older brother I never had. "I'm coming in."

"I figured you were, so come on," I said pouring two cups of hot coffee and sitting them onto the counter. As he entered I handed him one of the mugs and gave him a sleepy smile. I sat down on the barstool and he sat across from me.

"Another rough night, Ema?" His blue eyes shining as he spoke.

"You can say that. Just another stupid nightmare. I have them since you told me I had to start training with you all." I smirked at him as I sipped my coffee.

He huffed, "You know I'm doing that because we may need you out on the field soon so you got to learn basic fighting skills."

"Yes, yes I know, Cap." I said in my best southern accent as I rolled my eyes at him. Steve let out a hardy laugh.

"You know that southern charm of yours isn't going to work on me."

"Well you know you can take the girl out of the south but not the south out of the girl," I said interrupting with a giggle.

"You're not getting out of sparing day. So be there 8:30 don't be late Jones," he smirked as he finished his coffee, placing the mug in the sink and walking out the door locking it behind him.

I looked at the clock. Dammit! It was already 7:30. I quickly ate breakfast, before going into my bedroom to change. As I got dressed in my tank and shorts I came to the realization that the only ones today are going to be Natasha, Steve, Bucky and myself. "Ugh," I groaned. Steve and Natasha knew I had a crush on one Mr. Bucky Barnes. I looked at myself in the mirror pulling up my shoulder-length brown hair into a high ponytail. Maybe Steve would have mercy on me and pair me with him today, but not likely. I grabbed my keys and gym bag off the counter and headed out to my car to make my daily drive the compound.

I scanned my ID badge as I walked into the compound's gym. Weights, punching bags, sparring mats, and kickboxing dummies lined the gym area. I picked up a towel and water as I scanned the room trying to find Natasha. As usual, she was in the middle of kickboxing. I walked over to her and placed my blue duffle on the bench beside her.

"Good morning Ema. How are you?" she asked as she continued her brutal attack on the dummy. I leaned against a boxing bag with my arms crossed beside her.

"Oh, just fine. But I just hate sparing day." I gripped letting out a small huff. "I know that Cap says I need to learn basic fighting skills but, I also know who you and he are going to pair me with."

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