Distractions of Life

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(A month later)
Steve had approached me about taking the agent test. I had reluctantly agreed to it mainly to prove him wrong but it blew up in my face when I made close to a perfect score on the written exam. I still wasn't in fighting shape and new for any advancement I had to began regions training. That meant a combination of him and Clint whipping my tail daily. At least until Bucky got home from a mission in Wacanda that he was doing as a favor for the Ta'Chala and the hospitality they had shown him during his time there. So here I was doing my thing until I was sidelined.

(2weeks later)
"Do you really think it's a good ideal for you to be doing that?" Clint's voice radiated down from the ceiling of my office.

"No, but this stupid desk is in the way and it has to be moved. Why, you don't think I can do it?" I said as I heaved the desk to the other side of the office space. Now pushing it on my hands and knees.

"Nope, just afraid of your husband. He did tell me to look after you while he was gone."

"Yes I know but since he is not here and you are hanging like a bat from the rafters I decided to do it myself." I said with a smirk.

"Ema!" Oh crap, I thought as I head his work voice boom from above me. I looked up giving him an innocent look. Batting my eyelashes some.  "And who exactly told you that you could be pushing and pulling on heavy things right now," he questioned with an eyebrow raised.

My eyes shot above my head. "Well, my babysitter was hanging around like a bat and you Robocop weren't here so I decided to do it myself." I said with a sarcastic tone.

Clint gave a mock look of shock and just snickered.

"You know what the doctor said, you don't need to be pulling and pushing things around right now." He said with authority.

(Two Weeks Earlier)

Ugh a constant beeping noise woke me out from a sound sleep. I was too tired to open my eyes and find out what it was but it sure was ignoring me. Beep, beep, beep. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and mumbled weakly "Buck turn off your alarm," as I reached for him.

"Buck she's awake." I head Steve say and then felt a hand on mine. I didn't bother to open my eyes yet I was still to tired.

"Em honey you here me?" His voice full of concern.

"Ya of course. Turn off that beeping would ya." I mumbled still half asleep. He just snickered at me.

"Can't do that doll but I need you to open your eyes for me." I slowly opened my eyes only to see him sitting beside me looking at me. I gave him a weary smile. My eyes scared the room thing that gather my soundings. White walls, IV, heart monitor wait he was on a mission right!? And I'm in a hospital! I quickly tried to sit up. " I wouldn't do that if I we're you" he said quietly. My head spun and pain engulfed me.

"Ugh." I said laying back down.

"You remember what happen?" I heard Steve ask from the corner where he stood pushing himself from against the wall.

"Yes something with training. Wait, you" I said pointing at him "you hit me with your shield!" I tried sitting up again. "Oh head." I mumbled as Buck forced me back down.

"Stay down would a? That's why it's called a concussion. They just want to keep ya ta monitor ya."

"I thought you had a mission?" I said with a pout.

"Yes but it's not everyday I get a call from this punk tellin' me my best girl's in the hospital especially because of him." He said before glancing over to Steve. I couldn't see the look he gave him, but Steve just held his hands up in defeat.

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