Don't Assume

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(One Week After)

You know, you would think something simple as a language survey would be an easy task to complete with new Task Force members. Not true. It is almost dam near impossible. Leave it to me to get the two members who thought Pig Latin is an actual language and one that wanted to be smooth enough to make passes at me every few minutes in my very own office sitting across from me! On top of all of that Buck hadn't asked me out again. Yes, I knew I could have asked him but isn't the guy expose to do that. He had been avoiding me, which drove me crazy. Did he really like me? All your doing is thinking about him in your spare time. Come on Ema snap out of this! 

Well after the day I was having, I had enough. Maybe I was feeling a little brave or just plain stupid, nevertheless, it was close to 4:00, and I decided enough was enough. So why not text a friend for a little pick me up. After twenty minutes of stalling and picking up my phone and putting it down multiple times I finally sent him a text. What harm could it do? We had been out once. Nothing serious WE WERE JUST GOOD FRIENDS. I had convinced myself completely of that. Yep friends.

Me: Hey you. 

Buck: Hi Doll. 

Me: Are you at home can I come over? It's just been a bad day. I mean I don't want to intrude. 

Buck: Ya. Get over here. 

Me: If it helps I'll bring pizza for supper. It's just been a day and really want to be around someone that at least likes me. 

Buck: I think like is an understatement. Come on get over here, we can talk and maybe watch a movie. That should make it better.

Me: Thanks. I'll see you in about an hour. Bucky? 

Buck: Yell Doll.

Me: Thanks. 

Buck: Just get over here.

An hour a later I knocked on his door. Still in my dress from work, and two pizzas in my hands. He opens the door still dressed in his back task force shirt and dark jeans. He immediately took the pizzas from my hands. "Get in here," he said with a slight smile. I gave him a half smile and walked inside. 

An hour later there was leftover pizza on the bar I was in his den walk-in around barefooted. He sat on his couch one leg folded over the other with his arm resting on the back of the couch listening to me vent. He had asked me to tell him what had happened and I just unloaded. 

"My day had been a rough one. No, I take that back it had been unbelievable! You would think a simple task of gaining language information from new task force members would be an easy one. But no, of course not. Egotistical, pig-headed, morons!! I had had it!  I mean those new recruits on task are impossible!" I groaned. "I actually had one of them try to tell me he spoke two languages both which don't exist!" Buck just laughed and shook his head.

"They are a handful. Usually stubborn and arrogant too."

"Oh yes. I found that out with two of them especially."

"Why what happened?" He raised an eyebrow at me and gave a look that I took to mean tell me or I will make you tell me. I guess he used it with other task force members but it was very effective.

"Two of them make a pass at me and some of my team. I stopped that quickly."

"Whatcha do?" He question.

"I politely told them that I had been here long enough to know at least nine ways to severely hurt them and to back the hell off! You know basically a good bluff. I only know maybe three." I stated while talking with my hands. I laughed and James joined in for a moment.

"I want their names." He stated in an authoritative tone as his laughter broke. "I know over 50 ways and you won't have to worry about those jerks again," he growled.

"Bucky!" My voice in a higher whole tone. I stopped my pacing almost in front of him and gave and looked over to see him gave me a sideways glance. He was kidding, right? I mean he really wouldn't. . . ."

"They reported to Clint. Their not on your team anyway." I said with a slight wave of my hand trying to brush it off. It was not effective.

"Did you tell Hawkeye?" He question with his jaw set, his lips pressed together hard.

"Yep." He gave me another chuckle.

"Ya, dude will be on KP probably for a month." I laughed.

"Since we don't have that probably worse." He said relaxing a bit with a smile. 

"Thanks." I finally sat down on the couch beside him. My day seemed better getting it off my chest.

"For what?" Bucky cocked his head at me. Oh, does this man know what effect he has on me? What am I getting myself into? Not the time Ema. Answer the question.

"This." I motion between us. "Just being here. Letting me intrude." I gave him a small smile.

"Your welcome Ema and your not intruding. I wouldn't have it any other way." He flashed me a smile. His blue eyes were shinning.  For some reason, I leaned toward him giving him a slow kiss that he didn't hesitate to receive.  I quickly broke the kiss. I felt a blush crawl up my face. 

 "Sorry I ugh," I whispered our faces still inches apart. I was now very nervous. Dumb Ema just dumb. You did it now girl. 

"Don't be." He whispered back. I slowed hard. What had I just done? I just managed to run a perfectly good friendship.

"We are good friends and I ugh don't want to mess this up." I said almost in a whisper as my nerves were getting the best of me. Buck's eyes soften as he looked into mine. He flicked them down to my lips and looked back into mine as he spoke while he began to stroke my face with his right hand. My heart now was beating out of my chest. 

"Who says I just want to be friends?" 

"I ugh-m just assumed." I stammered.

"Don't assume." He mumbled as he leaned in and kissed me again slowly.

(Outside-Track, Ema/Natasha training. The Next Day)

"What's wrong with you today?" Natasha snapped. "You have been off all day. You can't have a bad day in the field Ema."

"I had an interesting night last night. No a dream that's all it was. No a nightmare that's it. No a good dream. Yep, I'll go with that." I said trying to explain as we walked along the winding track leading up to the gun range.

"You are not making any sense, just tell me what got you like this!" She waved her hands for emphasis.

"I ugh, well y-ou see I" I took a deep breath before continuing, "kissed Bucky." I said the last part quietly then pressed my lips together hard. Natasha stopped and looked at me for a moment before she spoke again.

"You what?! Tell me what happened." She demanded. I couldn't tell if she was mad or elated so I gave her all the details. After I finished I stood watching Natasha's harsh mood fade as her face soften.

"So ugh whatcha think? I mean did I screw up?" I said panicking. By now we had made it almost to the gun range.  Natasha stood with her arms folded and took a deep breath.

"No, you didn't mess up. Besides Buck even said you didn't mess up. Believe me, Ema, if you had he would Have told you." She placed a reissuing hand on my shoulder.

"I haven't heard from him maybe I did. I don't know I ugh..." I bit my lip trying to get my composure.

"Ema then why is he waiting for you at the range?" I looked up to see one James Barns with his eyes fixed upon us smiling standing beside the door.

I broke into a shy smile.

"Go on." Her voice full of reinsurance. "You got this. Trust me."

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