White Wolf

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(The next day-Compound)
"So what is this meeting about? I just got off of a three week mission." Sam grumbled sitting down at the conference table. I just looked at him and shook my head.

"I don't know. I'm in the dark here as well. He said alpha team so I'm here."

"Girl I though you had the inside connection!" He joked his eyes sinning.

"Only when she uses her southern charm." Clint smarted off as he walked in. Sam smirked and I started laughing.

"Now Mr. Barton I am shocked by your insinuation!"I said in my best Scarlet O'Hara voice as I placed my hand over my heart. Sam rolled again his laughter filling the room.

"You know maybe you just need to be partners with us two." Clint said with a snort.

"For sure." Sam said in agreement.

"Don't think so she is ours." I heard Steve exclaim as he walked behind me. Laughter filled his voice.

"Boys now don't fight over me that is enough of me to go around." I teased as We sat there laughing for a moment.

"Don't think so" a deep grumble came from behind me. "My shirt and my dog tags so my woman." I felt a kiss in the top of my head.

"My dog tags and the shirt is mine too." I declared too looking up at him as he sat beside me.

"How you figure that?"

"It was clean, looked good with my leggings and in our closet." I laughed as a smile flooded his face.

"You know it don't work that way."

"Yes it does. Independent woman baby. Welcome to 2018." Giving a little shrug. Sam and Clint rolled.

"Buck she got you man," Clint mumbled under his breath as James shot him a glance.

"Ok well now that you all had your fun we have a mission to tie up in Mexico." Steve said with authority. "Simply stated gun deal that went wrong with two CIA operatives. It happen about two years ago."

"I remember it." Bucky grumbled. "The Trail went cold. When I came back we had new recruits and a southern dame." I just smiled. So that is where he had just come back from when we met. "So what's the deal?" He took my hand under the table and held it loosely in his left.

"New leads. One week mission. Us two along with Sam and Clint. Hopefully we can fix their pass mess. Ema you and Natasha can held down to the safe house in New Orleans we will catch up with you all there for planning and implementing the other mission. Well leave in two days." Steve explained. "Ok?"

"Ok" I said dryly. I had hoped it would just be me and him for at least a couple of days in New Orleans. That way I could show him my home maybe introduce him to a couple of cousins I still had left there.

As the meeting broke I headed to the outside balcony off of the conference rooms. Bucky must have sensed something because we cut his conversation off with Steve to come and find me. He closed the balcony door quietly behind him.
"You ok?"

"Yes. Just had hoped to have a couple of days to ourselves back home. It's not a big deal." I sighed looking out into the lawn. He came and stood beside me.

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