Fight, Mission Plan and Mybe More

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"Punk did you not hear what I said! She is not going!"

"It's not up to you! It's up to her. She knows the area better then we do jerk. Ema is a grown ass woman she can make up her own mind. It is a simple undercover mission. Nothin going to happen to her because you are going to have her covered all the time. Come on Buck!"

"They are at it again," I heard Natasha say as she peaked her head in my office.

"Oh great. Thats like the third time in a week. What in the hell is goin on with those two? Both are so hardheaded. Where are they?"

"Sparing well fighting maybe by now." Some day to wear a dress and heals to the office. "Can't believe that Bucky hasn't told you anything about whatever this is." Natasha said waving her hands for emphasis as we walked quickly to the gym.

"Only to stay out of it and be a complete ass for the last several days. Just don't even get me started."

We entered the gym just in time to see Buck land a right cross to Steve's jaw as he fell to ground. He was up in a second answering it with a left cross to James ribs. A hard shove had Steve landing hard on his back looking up at Natasha and me.

"Stop it! Both of you now! I yelled. What is the problem!?"

"Nothin'" the apply was almost unison.

"Please just don't." I said firmly. "You both have been doing this for the past week and stressing me out doing my job and part of yours as well. By the way I hate task force business!"

"What is this all about?" Natasha asked anger bubbling up in her voice.

"A gd mission he wants her to go on." Bucky snapped as he and Steve began to circle each other again.

"Ok and what her are we talking about Ema. She's ready. We all trained her. Hell she could probably beat you in a match Barns. I gave a small laugh. Hit the showers and we will talk about it later please."

For some stupid reason one of the two fighters decided it was time to piss the other guy off again with a cocky smirk. I soon found myself in between the two with my ass on the ground. The force of the fall cased my head to spin once more. That was it. So I decided to take matters in my own hands.

"Do you two airheads know what you just did! Ya almost ran me over to get to each other! Break it up now! Get your supper soldier asses to the showers and then up to the conference room in 15 minutes! That's an order!! The guys stopped and looked at me in awe.

"Fine. Great." Both huffed as they began walking away.

"James." I said walking out to him with a slight chill in my voice.

"What?" He hissed.

"Chill out please," I whispered. "He is your best friend and I'm your girl. Don't let whatever this is come between you too. See you in a bit." I turned to leave.

"You are frustrating you know that!" he called out sarcastically.

"Says the man who just knocked me down to get to his best friend. So are you solder!" I yelled back as I walked out the gym door.

(Situation Room-Several Hours Later)

We sat around the rectangular conference table, the two boys on opposite sides still ready to kill each other.

"So what is this all about?" I asked looking at the two fighters. Clint threw pencils at the makeshift dart board.

"Who knows." He said. "They have been like this for a week since the New Orleans case file came across my desk."

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