Rewind (Part 1)

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"What do you mean hurt? How bad." I looked at Steve trying not to panic as we made our way to the jet.

"He was stabbed in the leg. Says it hurts like hell. I need you to come with me as backup. You're ready don't worry." He said trying to reinsure me as we boarded the Quin Jet.

"Guess so. You know he is not going to like this ideal Cap." In fact I know he was going to be mad.

"I know. We'll deal with it when we get back." Steve said sitting down as the jet took to life.

I placed my earbuds in as I stared out the window. My thoughts drifted to Bucky. I wondered what he was thinking about? If he was ok and hoping he would be happy to see me.

(Bucky POV)

The cabin was a mess and my leg was killing me. I couldn't believe I had let one of them get the jump on me.  Augh! my voice echoed as I tried to put weight on it. Steve would be here in a few hours and I knew that my girl would be worried about me.  Of all the crap I had done in my life I still had no idea what I did to deserve her. I leaned against the wall as my thoughts brought me back to her.  


"What's wrong with you today?" Steve said as he fired off several more rounds into the target.

"Notin." I said taking two more shots.

"Not normal for you to miss a head shot Buck. So what's going on?" Steve asked with concern in his voice.

"Wasn't aiming for the head," I said as he brought the paper targets up to us. Two holes in the chest and several off the target.

"So nothing is wrong?"


"Sure but I have a feeling it is with Ema," Steve said bluntly as I pressed my lips together hard. He was right.

"Thought everything was going good."

" It is I just want to step it up with her and don't know how to tell her."

"Whatcha mean? I shot Steve a look like he has crazy.

"Do I have to spell it out for you? S-E-X" I chuckled as Steve looked at me finally getting where I was going with this.  We looked up from loading our weapons as we heard the door open to the range.

"Oh sorry, didn't know you two were practicing", Ema said walking inside the shooting range. "You are in luck, I was just leaving besides Bucky told me he would help you today." Steve said gave a slight smile as he walked off closing the door behind him.

"If you wanted to practice along, I can ugh go." Her voice had a nervous tone to it. I wondered what she had heard.

"No its fine." I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I stood there wondering what she was wearing under that little tank top of hers.

"James are you ok?" Her voice brought me back to reality. She shook her head at me.
"Need to talk to you about somthin. Ok?" I placed the gun down and sat down on the metal bench against the wall.

"Sure. Sounds serious." She said looking at me with concern. She sat down on the bench beside me. Baby if you only knew how much I wanted to take you right here.

"I missed a gd headshot today." She sat there looking amused at me.

"You missed a head shot? Sure, right. Let me see." She reached trying to grab the paper out of my hand.

"It's nice to know your not perfect." She teased smiling at me. "Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?" I began fighting with her ipod playlist adding two songs to it. Into You by Ariana Grande and  S.E.X. by Nickleback. I knew she would listen to them. 

"No. Anyway that's not it. Ugh you, you got me thin' and back in the day I would never but than you happen and and I'm tired of cold showers. Dammit this is coming out wrong."  She looked at me in argh.

"Would you just spit it out? You know you're driving me crazy right now." I just laughed.

"Come to dinner tonight. We'll talk than. Oh and listen to your playlist. I added some songs." I handed back her ipod.

"Ok. You are acting weird you know." She said coking her eyes at me.

"Ya sorry doll." I said placing a kiss on her head as I stood up."See ya tonight." She had got me hard just sitting there looking at her. God I needed her in my bed.

Later that evening she had come over for dinner and to show me a new shirt she had gotten. I really just wanted to talk to her about everything but she insisted. I sat down on the couch as she changed in my downstairs spare bedroom. I heard her voice behind me call out my name.
"Hey Buck?"
"Ya darlin'?"
"So what do you think of my new shirt? "I turned around on the couch slightly looking over my shoulder to see her leaning against the spare bedroom door wearing a black and white tied very short and sexy gown. If you could even call it that. I quickly stood up my eyes not leaving her. My mouth open some until I thought to  shut it and moved towards her.
"That's not a shirt." I grumbled. She just gave me an innocent smile looking though her eyelashes some.
"By the way I Got your message Sargent." Her voice quiet and loving.
"Yell for sure" was all I  could mumbled. "I ugh. You wow. You are so beautiful do you know that." I was only inches from me now. She blushed and looked down. My left hand softly forced her chin up to look at me. "You sure about this because it's no well in hell i'm going to be able to control myself around you right now? " I said hoarsely. "I'm sure Sargent, besides who says I want you to control yourself right now?" She said breathlessly. I quickly kissed her deeply, picking her up bridal styled and carried her to my room only breaking the kiss for one moment as I sat her down to shut the bedroom door behind us.

I smiled remembering waking up the next day with her necked in my bed. I tried to get up but sat down quickly and tighten the makeshift bandage around my now bleeding leg.

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