Honeymoon~Chapter 1

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(Summer, Niagara Falls, Canada)

The pool here was absolutely perfect, especially when you are tried and just want to relax. This was our last day and then we had to go back to the real world. My plan for today was very simple catch some rays. I leaned back onto the chase lounge chair, with the straps of my bikini half off my shoulders. For the ridiculous price I paid for this pink and black bikini I was going to get my use out of it.  I closed my eyes enjoying myself surrounded by the peace and calmness.   I felt the warmth of the sun soon blocked by a tall figure.

"You're blocking my sun Barns." I commented not bother to open my eyes.

"What are you doin?" I could tell he was smirking as he was enjoying his view.

"I want to catch some sun." I opened my eyes blocking the sun from over my eyes with my hand. "And a little rest as well." I said with a coy smile.

"Oh really?" Bucky gave me a goofy smile pretending he had no ideal what I was talking about.

I leaned up on the back of my arms looking at him as I pulled my sunglasses down so he could see my eyes. "Yes-someone kept me up late last night." 

"Hum, wonder who that was?" He folded his arms with a smirk on his lips as he looked down at me. "Complaining? Cause I didn't think that would do that until least year four." I gaped at him for a moment.

"Really Barns you are about to get it!" I said standing up with my hands resting on my hips. He new I was teasing him and enjoying every moment of it. Bucky quickly wrapped his arms around my waist as I placed my around his neck running my fingers through his hair. He closed his eyes enjoying my touch.

"Humm-you killing me Doll, besides I want to show you somethin'. So you need to get dressed." He said opening his eyes. He grabbed me by the hand and led me back inside to change.

After changing we made our way to the car as he open the passenger door for me to get in. "Don't wreck my car Barns." I said as he sped off, just laughing at me. About 10 minutes later we pulled into a secluded tall tree line scattered area. Just through the trees you could make out the sound of a secluded waterfall.

"Come on. . ." He pulled me along looking like a kid on Christmas morning. A smile flooding his face and excitement in his voice. We walked for a bit until we came into a clearing. In the center was laid out a preciously placed picnic with a lookout to a hidden falls behind it. I looked up at him beaming. For being an alpha male he knew how to romance a girl when he wanted too. 

"Buck? What is all of this?" He ran his hand though his hair.

"Just wanted our last day here to be special." I stood up on my tiptoes and kissed him softly on his lips.

"Thank you. Everything has been perfect, especially this." An hour later I found myself reclining in his arms while looking out over the beautiful scenery. Our quiet moment was broken as his phone rang. I heard him answer it behind me and knew exactly who it was when he answered with a grumble.

"Whatcha want punk? Ya she's right here. Hold on."

"Hello Steve." I said trying to hold back a giggle.

"So Ema not wanting to get away from him yet hugh?" He said with a laugh.

"No not yet. He's been pretty nice so far." I shot Bucky a smile.

"Anyway what I wanted to tell you was that Sam and I are moving your things into Buck's apartment so you don't have to worry about renewing your lease. Also I took the liberty on purchasing the car you have with you."

"Wait! Steve. I can't afford that car." I felt James hold place his arm around me again.  

"Trust me you can now. Just ask Buck. See ya two tomorrow." Steve said as he quickly hung up.

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