Moving Forward

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(Two years later)
Broken minds heal. Love takes hard work and this stubborn southern woman got the career and man of her dreams along with extras. These extras came along in the form of a blue eyed boy and his uncles and aunts that are willing to fight and lay down their lives for the people of the world.

For me my joy is waking up beside him every morning when he isn't up early on a run, being held by him on the nights he is at home. Working to train new agents on a daily basis and knowing above all that when push comes to shove I will always have him by my side to conquer the world one language at a time.

"Ema watcha doing? Didn't you say we needed to go." Bucky asked as he pulled me out of my thoughts. I closed my journal placing it on our bedroom desk and put down my pen on top.

"Just finished my journal." I smiled standing up. He immediately came to me placing one hand in my enlarged stomach and one in my back. A hard kick caused him to look up at me with a wide smirk.

"Come on let's go meet our daughter."

"Yes Sergeant."


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